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There are various ploys we can use if necessary. He only said he had a meeting as a ploy to get her to leave.
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chwyt, sztuczka, trik, fortel, wybieg, taktyka
She was rather gormless, which required explaining everything three times.
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głupi, nierozgarnięty
Była dość nierozgranięta, co wymagało tłumaczenia wszystkiego trzy razy.
The princess was deceived by the grimalkin.
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złośnica, przebiegła starucha
Przebiegła starucha oszukała księżniczkę.
Wallace was charged with causing an affray at a Southampton nightclub.
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burda, awantura (w miejscu publicznym)
The three men were charged with assault after attacking another man outside a pub.
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Trzech mężczyzn zostało oskarżonych o napaść po tym, jak zaatakowali innego mężczyznę przed pubem.
They were arrested for embezzlement of company funds. He's accused of tax evasion, embezzlement, and fraud.
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defraudacja, sprzeniewierzenie
He was found guilty of obtaining the money by extortion. She's trying to protect her son from extortion.
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sexual harassment
The company investigated claims of workplace harassment and racial discrimination. Victims of harassment are able to take action in the courts to obtain damages. to be subject/subjected to harassment
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molestowanie, nękanie, dokuczanie, niepokojenie
The man was convicted of manslaughter because the jury didn't believe he actually planned to murder his wife.
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nieumyślne spowodowanie śmierci
Mężczyzna został skazany za nieumyślne zabójstwo, ponieważ przysięgli nie sądzili, że zaplanował morderstwo żony.
A suspect has been detained by the police for questioning. Several of the injured were detained overnight in hospital.
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trzymać (w areszcie), zatrzymywać (gdzieś tymczasowo)
I must see the dentist to check my gnashers.
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zgrzytacze,(potoczne) zęby
Muszę iść do dentysty na kontrolę zębów.
They discussed the quiddity of his moral teachings.
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istota, sedno; nieistotna różnica
Omawiali istotę jego nauczania o moralności.
It's really hard to deplume a duck.
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oskubać (ptaka)
Naprawdę trudno jest oskubać kaczkę.
pick something clean
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objeść do reszty, pozbawić mięsa (o kości), oskubać coś
king's ransom
They would offer a king's ransom for such facility.
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fortuna, wysoka kwota
Daliby fortunę za takie udogodnienie.
The central character is a malevolent witch out for revenge. I could feel his malevolent gaze as I walked away.
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złośliwy, nieżyczliwy, wrogi, wrogo nastawiony
Officials were circumspect about saying what the talks had achieved.
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put the finishing touches on
add the finishing touches,
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nakładać ostatnie poprawki
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The customs officials made us go through the (whole) rigmarole of opening up our bags for inspection.
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skomplikowana procedura, puste gadanie
długa przemowa (pełna mylących, skomplikowanych stwierdzeń)

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