Polish in 1 day
Learn some basic Polish words and phrases with ease
Find out how to say some basic and most important words in Polish
Don't be afraid of "sz", "ó", "ś", "ż"... - we will teach you how to pronounce them!
Get to know some basic grammar rules and understand how to use them in practice
Having a simple conversation in Polish would be “proste” for you!
Este curso é 100% gratuito . Nós damos a você para que você possa ver por si mesmo quão efetivo e agradável você pode aprender conosco :)
Outros cursos
Everyday phrases in PolishPolish Words: Top 1000 NounsPolish: day 2Small talk in PolishPolish in 1 day
Everyday phrases in PolishPolish Words: Top 1000 NounsPolish: day 2Small talk in PolishPolish in 1 day