Luxembourgish in 1 day

Luxembourgish in 1 day
Learn basic Luxembourgish without effort!

Do you want to learn the language of Robert Schuman, one of the founders of the European Union?
Learn the meaning of the untranslatable word “Gemittlechkeet”!
Impress the 400.000 people that speak the language with your Luxembourgish!
You will see that learning this language is a piece of cake!
Cadastre-se gratuitamente

Este curso é 100% gratuito . Nós damos a você para que você possa ver por si mesmo quão efetivo e agradável você pode aprender conosco :)
10 words in 60 seconds - 10 Wierder an 60 Sekonnen10 words in 60 seconds - 10 Wierder an 60 Sekonnen  
10 fiche
You already know that:) - Dat wësst dir schonn!You already know that:) - Dat wësst dir schonn!  
10 fiche
Questions - FroenQuestions - Froen  
10 fiche
Simple sentences - Einfach SätzSimple sentences - Einfach Sätz  
16 fiche
People - LeitPeople - Leit  
28 fiche
Verbs - VerbenVerbs - Verben  
19 fiche
Keng Iwwersetzung - UntranslatableKeng Iwwersetzung - Untranslatable  
4 fiche
