Indonesian in 1 day
EnglishBahasa Indonesia

Indonesian in 1 day
Learn the language spoken by more than 260 million people

Start to learn the language of Anggun
Do you know that Indonesian grammar is super simple? Check it out!
English and Indonesian have more in common than you may think!
Learn what’s the difference between ‘Kau, Anda and dan Kamu’
Cadastre-se gratuitamente

Este curso é 100% gratuito . Nós damos a você para que você possa ver por si mesmo quão efetivo e agradável você pode aprender conosco :)
10 words in 60 seconds - 10 kata dalam 1 menit10 words in 60 seconds - 10 kata dalam 1 menit  
10 fiche
You already know that:) - Anda sudah mengetahui ini:)You already know that:) - Anda sudah mengetahui ini:)  
14 fiche
Questions - PertanyaanQuestions - Pertanyaan  
10 fiche
Courtesy Phrases - Frasa yang sopanCourtesy Phrases - Frasa yang sopan  
17 fiche
People - OrangPeople - Orang  
28 fiche
Activities - Kata kerjaActivities - Kata kerja  
16 fiche
Pronouns - Kata gantiPronouns - Kata ganti  
14 fiche
Untranslatable - Yang tidak dapat diterjemahkanUntranslatable - Yang tidak dapat diterjemahkan  
4 fiche
