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. great speed in doing sth, especially because you do not have enough time [= hurry] começar a aprender
‘marry in haste, repent at leisure
to be sorry for something and wish you had not done it, used especially when considering your actions in a religious way começar a aprender
‘marry in haste, repent at leisure
criticizing people very quickly, used to show disapproval começar a aprender
The people who were so judgmental have now been forced to admit that we make a fantastic couple.
to make a piece of clothing longer, wider etc so that it fits começar a aprender
a dress that had been altered to hide my growing bump.
a feeling of anger because something has happened that you think is unfair começar a aprender
I felt only resentment at being cajoled into a wedding I didn’t want
to gradually persuade someone to do something by being nice to them, or making promises to them começar a aprender
I was cajoled into a wedding I didn’t want
if something is _____, you keep thinking or worrying about it começar a aprender
marriage and babies were not even on my mind
to stop worrying or thinking about something is to ______. começar a aprender
'I fled to Greece to try to clear my head
a doctor's opinion of how an illness or disease will develop começar a aprender
looking or sounding very serious; making you feel worried or unhappy começar a aprender
a person qualified to design, construct, and maintain public works, such as roads, bridges, harbours, etc. começar a aprender
she has been married to civil engineer
to suggest or ask for something in an indirect way, hoping that the person you are talking to will understand what you mean começar a aprender
they started dropping not very subtle hints about me leaving it a bit late.
to be very eager to do something, especially something you do not usually do começar a aprender
fall over yourself to do sth men weren’t exactly falling over themselves to date me
to make sb feel very surprised, especially about sth they like or admire começar a aprender
after our first meeting I wasn’t blown away
Pol. nie podziałał na mnie começar a aprender
I wasn't blown away by him
to have a strong desire for something, especially something that is difficult or impossible to get [= long] começar a aprender
to try extremely hard to achieve something, even though it is very difficult começar a aprender
I struggled to cope and became very unhappy.
when your ______ your heart or stomach seems to move suddenly because you feel shocked, frightened começar a aprender
heart lurches a man who made my stomach lurch in a way my husband never did.
to gradually become smaller, less, weaker etc and then come to an end; Pol. wygasnąć, wyczerpać się começar a aprender
the relationship with the man petered out
a short and not very serious sexual relationship começar a aprender
I regret throwing it all away for a meaningless fling