common phrases 1

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common. common. common.
zwroty/ frazy
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phrases. phrases. phrases / phrases
powszechne zwroty
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common phrases. common phrases. common phrases. common phrases.
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Use. Use. Use
używać powszechnych zwrotów.
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use common phrases. use common phrases.
zapytaj, jak się ktoś ma
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ask how someone is doing. ask. how. doing
co tam
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what's up. what's up. what's up. what's up.
co nowego
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what's new. what's new. what's new. what's new.
co ciekawego u ciebie ostatnio
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What's interesting with you lately
co ostatnio porabiałeś
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what have you been up lately. what have you been up lately. what. have. you. been.up. lately. what have you been up lately.
jak leci? (nieformalnie)
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how is it going. how is it going. how is it going. how is it going.
jak leci? jak się mają sprawy (nieformalnie)
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how are things? how are things? how are things?
jak tam życie? (co słychać)
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how's life? how's life? how's life? how's life?
mam się dobrze, dzięki, a Ty?
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I'm fine, thanks, and you? I'm fine, thanks, and you? I'm fine, thanks, and you?
całkiem nieźle.
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pretty good. pretty good. pretty good. pretty good.
Mam się całkiem nieźle.
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I'm doing pretty well. I'm doing pretty well.
Mam się całkiem nieźle.
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I am. doing. pretty well.
"Po staremu" (jak zawsze)
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same as always. same as always. same as always.
nie za dobrze
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not so great. not so great. not so great.
mogłoby być lepiej.
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could be better. could be better. could be better. could be better.
nie za dobrze
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not so great. not so great.
mogłoby być lepiej.
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could be better. could be better.
nie mogę narzekać
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I can't complain. I can't complain. I can't complain. I can't complain.
naprawdę docieniam.
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I really appreciate it. I really.
naprawdę docieniam.
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I really appreciate it. I really. I really appreciate it.
docenić coś.
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appreciate. something. appreciate. something. appreciate. something. appreciate. something.
doceniam twoją pomoc.
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I appreciate your help. I appreciate your help.
doceń to.
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appreciate it. appreciate it. appreciate it. appreciate it.
czy możesz to docenić?
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can you appreciate it. can you appreciate it. can you appreciate it. can. you.
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grateful. grateful. grateful. grateful.
jestem naprawdę wdzięczny
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I am really grateful. I am really grateful. I am really grateful. I am. really. grateful.
Czy on jest wdzięczny?
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Is he grateful? Is he grateful? Is he grateful? Is he grateful? Is he grateful?
czy on jest wdzięczny za naszą pomoc?
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is he grateful for our help? is he grateful for our help? is he grateful for our help? is.he. grateful. for. our help?
być wdzięcznym za coś.
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be grateful for something. be grateful. for. something. be grateful. for. something.
to bardzo miło z twojej strony.
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It's very kind of you. It's. very. kind.of. you...
to bardzo miło z twojej strony.
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That’s so kind of you. That’s so kind of you. That. is so. kind.of. you.
jestem Ci winien przysługę
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I owe you a favour. I owe you a favour. I owe you a favour.
nie ma problemu
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no problem. no problem. no problem. no problem.
bez obaw
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no worries. no worries. no worries. no worries.
nie wspominaj o tym (nie ma sprawy)
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do not. mention it. don't mention it. don't mention it.
przyjemność po mojej stronie
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my pleasure. my pleasure. my pleasure. my pleasure.
w każdej chwili (także w kontekście: zawsze możesz na mnie liczyć)
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anytime. anytime. anytime.
miło się z tobą rozmawiało (luźna rozmowa)
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It was nice chatting to you. It was nice chatting to you. It was. nice. chatting. to you.
czat/ pogawędka
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chat / chat. chat / chat.
tak, czy inaczej powinnam lecieć
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Anyway, I should get going. Anyway, I should get going. Anyway. I should. get. going.
czy ma pan pojęcie?
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do you have any you. have. any. idea. do you have any idea.
czy wiesz, że
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Do you know that. Do you know that.Do. you. know. that
czy masz pojęcia, któa jest godzina?
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do you have any idea what time it is. do you have any idea what time it you. have. any idea. what. time. it is.
czy wiesz, że on pracuje w naszej firmie.
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do you know that he works in our company.
powtarzaj, proszę.
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repeat please. repeat please. repeat please.

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