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Vast mega-cities are emerging in the developing world as people migrate in search of work. começar a aprender
Vast mega-cities are emerging in the developing world começar a aprender
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You have to drive slower in the sprawl. começar a aprender
Musisz jechać wolniej w zabudowie miejskiej.
urban sprawl the way a city spreads into undeveloped land around it, often without planning permission começar a aprender
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shanty towns = poor communities where the houses are built out of cheap materials like corrugated iron and plastic sheeting começar a aprender
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folia z tworzywa sztucznego
without facilities such as an electricity or water supply começar a aprender
bez zasilania, bez dostępu do mediów (woda, prąd)
The ventilation shaft was sealed with a grid. começar a aprender
Szyb wentylacyjny był zabezpieczony kratą.
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uszczelnienić / zabespieczyć
a suburb consisting of mean, roughly-constructed dwellings inhabited by poor people. começar a aprender
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infrastructure the basic facilities a town or city needs, for example: communication, transport, water, and electricity começar a aprender
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Computers are becoming ubiquitous in our society. começar a aprender
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And these communities are becoming in some places the majority not the minority and they're off the grid so they're not often serviced by either the social services começar a aprender
bez zasilania, bez dostępu do mediów (woda, prąd)
These shanty towns – poor communities where the houses are built out of cheap materials like corrugated iron and plastic sheeting – are often off the grid começar a aprender
bez zasilania, bez dostępu do mediów (woda, prąd)
cloud computing, ubiquitous internet, robust 5G networks etc, will transform our cities começar a aprender
a robust young man; a robust faith; a robust mind. começar a aprender
krzepki (strong and healthy)
A robust product can be one that doesn't break easily. começar a aprender