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this person doesn't worry about serious things and is always relaxed
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this person has a lot of energy and does a lot of things with pleasure
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this person expresses their emotions easily and is open for people and new experiences
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this person tries to make friends with everyone and is always good mood
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this person doesn't mind working hard and is able to do a lot of things in a short time
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this person is always ready to help other people and is always polite
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this person always tells the truth and never lies or cheats
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this person can cope/manage by themselves and doesn't need help from other people
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this person prefers spending time on their own, doesn't like socializing too much
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this person never insults other people and always says, Thank you", Please" and, Sorry"
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this person isn't bothered to do anything and likes lazing about/doing nothing
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this person likes planning their life and work well and likes having everything under control
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this person enjoys being with people, meeting them, chatting to them and makes friends easily
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this person is able to make a lot of things out of nothing, has a lot of ideas and knows how to save time and money
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this person prefers to stay silent and doesn't speak much
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this person will never let you down, you can rely on them and trust them
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this person often cries and gets touched/moved easily
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this person is afraid of talking to people and is quiet
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this person talks a lot, sometimes too much and then it is tiring
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this person cares a lot about other people and their feelings
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this person doesn't like mess around and likes cleaning up
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this person doesn't mind having a mess around and doesn't clean after