Cathedral of the Sea (1)

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questão resposta
to glance at something
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spojrzeć na coś
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a courtyard
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dziedziniec (pałacu); podwórze (domu)
a pen
a small piece of land enclosed by a fence to keep farm animals in; a sheep pen
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a farmhouse
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wiejski dom
to be in high spirits
Despite the rain, everyone was in high spirits.
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być w dobrym nastroju
to work from dawn to dusk
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pracować od świtu do zmierzchu
to tread grapes
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deptać winogrona
(of wine, beer, yeast, fruit) to ferment
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a barrel
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a hard liquor
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mocny alkohol
to survey your guests
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zlustrować wzrokiem gości; przyjrzeć się gościom
to burst out laughing
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wybuchnąć śmiechem
a ribald joke
ribald remarks or jokes are humorous, rude, and about sex; a ribald remark ribald humour
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sprośny żart
to take no notice of somebody
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nie zwracać na kogoś uwagi
to look out of the corner of your eyes
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patrzeć kątem oka
to promenade something
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afiszować się czymś
an immense belly
[space, distance, effort, relief, difficulty]
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ogromny brzuch
a thong
a large group of people in one place SYN crowd She got lost in the throng. a throng of excited spectators
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(ludzi, zgromadzonych) chmara
to be weary of something
very tired or bored, especially because you have been doing something for a long time She found Rachel in the kitchen, looking old and weary. She sat down with a weary sigh.
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być czymś zmęczonym
to win somebody over
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zjednać sobie kogoś
a merry hubbub
a mixture of loud noises, especially the noise of a lot of people talking at the same time
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wesoły gwar, wesoła wrzawa
not to bother to do something
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nie zawracać sobie głowy robieniem czegoś
to long to see somebody
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tęsknić za kimś
a matchmaker
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a demise
the mystery surrounding Elena’s untimely demise (=when death happens sooner than is normal or expected)
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rebellious nature
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buntownicza natura
to earn somebody a nickname
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zyskać komuś przydomek
a madcap
a madcap person behaves in a crazy and often funny way
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to rekindle (hope, interest)
to make someone have a particular feeling, thought etc again SYN reawaken The trial has rekindled painful memories of the war.
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rozpalić na nowo (nadzieję, zainteresowanie)
to scold somebody for
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skarcić kogoś za
incandescent beauty
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olśniewająca piękność
to be incandescent with joy
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płonąć radością
a dowry
property and money that a woman gives to her husband when they marry in some societies; to bring dowry
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a dowry chest
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skrzynia na posag
to wane
if something such as power, influence, or a feeling wanes, it becomes gradually less strong or less important My enthusiasm for the project was waning. The group’s influence had begun to wane by this time.
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(zainteresowanie) słabnąć
to make a demand
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to be besieged with
if you are besieged by people, you have a lot of them around you Miller was besieged by press photographers.
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być osaczonym przez (np. prośby, pytania)
a barrel of laughs
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beczka śmiechu
to attack somebody with both barrels
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zaatakować kogoś z grubej rury
a stewart
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zarządca (posiadłości)
to repeat something time and time again
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powtarzać coś w kółko
lucidity of mind
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przejrzystość umysłu
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żywy inwentarz
to be rightfully yours
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być prawnie twoim
to clearly recall something
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przypominać sobie wyraźnie
a pallet
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a) siennik; b) paleta
to fork hay
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widełkować siano; przerzucać siano
to lean on something
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opierać się o coś
a pitchfork
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a shudder runn down your spine
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dreszcz przechodzi ci po kręgosłupie, plecach
a hasty decision
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pochopna decyzja
a forced smile
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wymuszony uśmiech
to flush
She flushed and looked down.
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zarumienić się
to heave
to move up and down with very strong movements Michael’s shoulders heaved with silent laughter. The sea heaved up and down beneath the boat.
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falować (np. piersi)
a banquet
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wheaten flour
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mąka pszenna
a forge
a place where metal is heated and shaped into objects
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a bridle
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rozżarzony węgielek
to bustle about
to move around quickly, looking very busy bustle about/round etc Madge bustled round the room, putting things away.
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krzątać się
to guffaw
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to clink a cup against another cup
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stuknąć filiżanką o drugą filiżankę
bashfulness, shyness
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nieśmiałość, wstydliwość
a vine
a vine grower
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to fall silent
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to mutter something to yourself
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mruczeć coś do siebie
to be a source of merriment
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być źródłem radości, uciechy, zabawy
to come to a halt
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zatrzymać się
to take up the reins
to take or give someone control over an organization or country Owens will officially take over the reins in a few weeks.
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chwycić za lejce; przejąć ster
to say something disdainfully
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powiedzieć coś z pogardą
a mount
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(koń) wierzchowiec
to snort
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(koń) parskać
to deign to do something
to do something that you think you are really too important to do – often used humorously Travis called after her, but she didn’t deign to answer.
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łaskawie raczyć coś zrobić
a low murmur
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niski pomruk
to dimount a horse
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zsiąść z konia
to comply
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zastosować się do czegoś (np. czyjejś sygestii)
a pitcher of wine
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dzbanek wina
to nod your head almost imperceptibly
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skinąć głową niemal niezauważalnie
to bawl at somebody
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ryczeć na kogoś
to snap at somebody
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warknąć na kogoś
to wait on somebody
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usługiwać komuś (przy stole)
to devour books
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pożerać książki
a country bumpkin
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a gaggle of
a gaggle of tourists/children etc a noisy group of people a gaggle of teenage girls; a gaggle of geese
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an old crone
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stara baba, wiedźma
to cackle
to laugh in a loud unpleasant way, making short high sounds
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Cut the cackle!
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Przestań chichotać! Zamknij dziób!
to bellow at somebody
bellow out orders
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ryczeć na kogoś
in accordance with something
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zgodnie z czymś
a pommel
the round end of a sword handle
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głowica (miecza)
to implore somebody to do something
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błagać kogoś, żeby coś zrobił
to implore somebody for help
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błagać kogoś o pomoc
to beseech somebody to do something
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błagać kogoś o zrobienie czegoś
to look at somebody beseechingly
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patrzeć na kogoś błagalnie
sweaty palms
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spocone dłonie
to snivel
to behave or speak in a weak complaining way, especially when you are crying A small boy was sniveling on a chair.
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with disdain
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z pogardą
a barrel of fun
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to keep one's tongue under a bridle
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trzymać język za zębami

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