the place where a public event or meeting happens: Stalismy w kolejce do lokalu a potem zajelismy nasze miejca começar a aprender
At the venue we filed in and took our seats. The venue hosts music concerts and plays
feeling worried about something that you are going to do or that is going to happen: Jestem bardzo poddenerwowany jutrzejszym spotkaniem começar a aprender
I'm very apprehensive about tomorrow's meeting.
causing people to feel worried and uncomfortable: Nie moglismy spac z powodu przytlaczajocego upalu começar a aprender
We were unable to sleep because of the oppressive heat.
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The teacher is very genial/has a genial manner.
to give a new appearance to a person or thing, especially in order to hide its true form: começar a aprender
He disguised himself by wearing a false beard.
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He was feeling a little edgy about the whole thing.
an activity done for a joke that is not intended to cause serious harm or damage: começar a aprender
I don't really think I'm suited to this marriage lark.
causing worry or anxiety: começar a aprender
One of the documentary's many unsettling images is of a child playing with her father's gun.
to walk towards or away from someone, trying not to be noticed: começar a aprender
She sidled past him, pretending that she had not seen him.
nervous or uncomfortable because you are worried about what people think about you or your actions: On wygladal na nie czujacego sie komfortowo, tak jak skrepowany nastolatek começar a aprender
He looked uncomfortable, like a self-conscious adolescent.
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a face of surpassing beauty. Surpassing dullness.
to move or to cause something to move slightly: nerwowe poruszenia wsrod publicznosci começar a aprender
nervous stirrings in the audience. He stirred in his sleep as I kissed him
used to emphasize that something is not large or important: começar a aprender
he would have to restrict himself to a mere three or four chapters
not active; moving or thinking slowly, especially as a result of being lazy or feeling that you want to sleep: começar a aprender
If you have a sudden loss of cabin pressure at 20,000 feet, passengers will become torpid and then lose consciousness.
a period of time that is so long that it cannot be measured: começar a aprender
I've been waiting eons for my new computer.
based on ideas or judgments that are not suitable for a particular situation:. começar a aprender
He admitted that the party had followed policies now considered wrongheaded
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providing support or help: começar a aprender
ancillary staff/workers, an ancillary role
(of feelings or thoughts) slowly becoming stronger: começar a aprender
I have a sneaking suspicion that I need more memory in my computer.
if you want to make a picture or photograph look better you use an ........ começar a aprender
pictures of airbrushed models
to make small changes to a picture, photograph, etc., especially in order to improve it: começar a aprender
We had the wedding photos retouched to make it seem like a sunny day.
a situation in which an idea is believed or accepted by many people começar a aprender
His ideas enjoyed wide currency during the last century.
to give support, strength, or abasic structure to something: começar a aprender
He presented data to underpin his argument.
understood without being expressed directly: começar a aprender
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to see or recognize something começar a aprender
I could just discern a figure in the darkness.