Body idioms

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questão resposta
gaduła, papla
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big mouth
My workmate is such a big mouth. She told everything I said to our manager.
na pamięć
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by heart
I know all my friends’ telephone numbers by heart.
kosztować majątek
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to cost an arm and a leg
The jeans I’m wearing cost an arm and a leg.
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down in the mouth
What’s going on? You look down in the mouth.
przestraszyć się, stchórzyć
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get cold feet
A few weeks before the wedding, he started to get cold feet.
traktować kogoś ozięble
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give somebody the cold shoulder
I don’t quite understand why she’s giving me the cold shoulder.
lubić słodycze
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have a sweet tooth
I know your sister has a sweet tooth, so I’ve bought her a box of chocolates.
mieć przewagę
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have the upper hand
The troops had the upper hand in the fight.
zakochany po uszy
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head over heels in love
Tamara and Paul are head over heels in love. They’re planning to get married this year.
smutna mina
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long face
He had a long face because he had lost his credit card at the party.
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pain in the neck
Driving in this terrible traffic is a pain in the neck.
nabijać kogoś w butelkę
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pull someone’s leg
Natalie hasn’t been promoted. She’s just pulling your leg.
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put one’s feet up
Let me put my feet up and watch a movie tonight.
roztrzepana osoba
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I’m such a scatterbrain – I have forgotten my bag.
rusz się!
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shake a leg!
Shake a leg, buddy! We have to be there in ten minutes.

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