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travelling with a backpack for pleasure; podróżowanie z plecakiem, turystyka piesza. Backpacking used to be our favourite way of spending leisure.
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a small, narrow street; uliczka, zaułek. They shared a flat in a neglected backstreet.
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not violent, peaceful, full of harmony; zrównoważony; wyważony. I hope the discussion will be balanced as usual.
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to talk in an amusing, witty way; a small talk full of jokes; przekomarzać się; żartować; żarty, przekomarzanie się. The moment we approached the boys, they were bantering and laughing.
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wearing nothing on one's head; z gołą głową. Although it was very cold, he left bareheaded.
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possible to bear, to deal with, to cope; znośny, do zniesienia. Her behaviour was just bearable.
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unpleasant, awful, unkind; okropny, obrzydliwy, paskudny. You're so beastly to me. It's not fair.
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a cosmetician, a person who professionally looks after her clients' face and body; kosmetyczka (zawód) Mary and Anna were very excited about their first visit to a beautician.
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(of clothes, hairdo) suiting somebody's looks, making one look attractive; twarzowy. You have a really becoming hat on, dear.
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to envy sth; to not want someone to get sth; zazdrościć komuś czegoś, żałować komuś czegoś. I had an impression she sort of begrudges Alice the position.
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to shout loudly; to roar; wrzeszczeć, krzyczeć; ryk, wrzask. The teacher bellowed: "Be quiet, will you?" and we all started to laugh.
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a motorway or road that goes around a site such as city; obwodnica. Check how to get to the beltway.
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hearted -kind, generous; dobry, wielkiego serca. Your mother was a big_hearted woman.
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thinking that he/she knows everything; przemądrzały. Tom's a bigheaded boy it's hard to stand his behaviour
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silly, stupid; głupi, ptasi móżdżek, głupiutki. Weren't he so bird brained, he would have realised the importance of that meeting.
bitterly (1)
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in a way showing disappointment, anger, sorrow, etc.; gorzko, srodze. I was bitterly disappointed.
bitterly (2)
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very, extremely (about cold weather); przeraźliwie, przeszywająco, potwornie (o zimnie). It can be bitterly cold here in February.
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strange, odd; dziwaczny, groteskowy. She put forward her ideas employing a rather bizarre style.
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threat used in order to gain something; to threaten someone in order to get something; szantaż, szantażować. He was trying to blackmail the whole family.
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empty; containing no information; giving no reaction; pusty; czysty; bez wyrazu. What do I put in the blank space?
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gloomy, cold; posępny, ponury. The neighbourhood was bleak and not welcoming.
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to make a sound that goats or sheep make; to complain; beczeć; jęczeć; piszczeć. Did you hear that sheep bleat?
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full of joy and peaceful; błogi, szczęśliwy. It was a blissful time in my marriage.
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in a way characterized by happiness and peace; błogo, szczęśliwie, bardzo (o szczęściu itp.). She was blissfully happy at that time.
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a snow storm; burza śnieżna. They forecast a blizzard tomorrow.
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a very successful, bestselling book or film; przebój, hit, szlagier kinowy lub wydawniczy. I'm always skeptical about Hollywood blockbusters.
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a spot, to make a spot (with ink); plama; krosta; plamić; robić kleksy. Sally was unhappy to find an ugly blotch on her face.
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to become red in the face because of e.g. embarrassment; czerwienić się, rumienić się. Tony blushed when he saw his ex.
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a room where important meetings are held; sala posiedzeń, sala konferencyjna. Will you please follow me to the boardroom?
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a place you can walk at the sea shore, especially made of wood; promenada nadmorska. Let's have a walk at the boardwalk.
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to speak proudly about e.g. one's achievements; chwalić się. Mike boasted that his parents were very rich.
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proud, showing_off; chełpliwy, zarozumiały Henry's always been a boastful boy.
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risky; confident and brave; śmiały, odważny. In a bold step the management decided to downisize the staff.
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cheeky, bold; zuchwały. Her neighbour called her a bold_faced girl.
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a metal cover under which there is the engine of a car; maska samochodu. I thought something was wrong, so I looked under the bonnet.
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an accountant; księgowy, buchalter. He started his career as a bookkeeper.
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someone or something really boring; nudziarz; nuda, nudziarstwo. He's such a bore! How can you spend so much time with him?
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acting like a boss, making others do what he or she wants; władczy, apodyktyczny. Though she's a bossy person you can find a way to reach a compromise
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annoying; uciążliwy, kłopotliwy. It's the most bothersome situation we've ever faced.
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an important event that makes a vital change possible; przełom. We counted on a breakthrough in the negotiations till the very end.
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unable to breathe; making you feel unable to breathe; uptight; bez tchu, zadyszany; zapierający dech w piersiach; duszny, napięty. The exhibition left us breathless.
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without breathing or a chance to breathe; bez tchu; z zapartym tchem. The children were breathlessly watching the cartoon.
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exciting, surprising, beautiful, impressive; zapierajacy dech w piersiach. We had a breathtaking view from our hotel room.
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in a manner that takes your breath away, extremely; niezwykle, zadziwiająco. It was a breathtakingly beautiful place.
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light wind which is quite pleasant; bryza, wietrzyk. I like such cool breeze.
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the quality of being brief, short; zwięzłość. Brevity is what counts in your essays.
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the quality of lasting a short time or being brief; the quality of being economic with words; krótkotrwałość, krótkość; zwięzłość. He's a master of brevity. I really admire his works.
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the act of giving e.g. money illegally in order to obtain something; przekupstwo, łapownictwo. He was acuused of bribery.
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a special cake eaten during a wedding; tort weselny. Aunt Helen made the bridecake herself.
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quick; active, full of energy; rześki, ożywiony, energiczny, żwawy. He took a brisk walk to relax and think the problem over.
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a part of a plant which becomes a leaf or flower; pączek, pąk. Little Kate was watching buds of the flowers in the garden and asked lots of questions about plants.
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the car part that protects it; something that protects something else; to protect; zderzak; bufor; zabezpieczenie; zabezpieczać. She was wrong to buy those shares as a buffer against future inflation.
buffet (1)
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a restaurant in a station; a meal where different types of food can be eaten; bufet; zimny bufet (posiłek) We had nothing to eat and there was no buffet in the station, so we were starving.
buffet car
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a special carriage on a train with a restaurant; wagon restauracyjny. I'm starving. Why don't we go to the buffet car and have something to eat?
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if something is bulging, it’s either full or sticking out; pełny; wybrzuszony, brzuchaty; wypukły. This lady with a bulging suitcase is my aunt.
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a large amount; something or someone massive, large; masa, duża ilość, większość; in bulk in large amounts; w dużych ilościach the bulk of- the majority of; większość. Actually, the bulk of the screenplay is worthless.
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if something is bulky, it’s too big or too heavy to be carried without difficulties; nieporęczny, ciężki, obszerny. The wardrobe was too bulky for us to move.
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resistant to the impact of a bullet; kuloodporny. The policemen were wearing bulletproof vests.
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cruel person who threatens others; to act like a bully; tyran, osoba znęcajaca się nad innymi; znęcac się nad innymi, tyranizować. These guys are known for bullying younger pupils.
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uneven, characterized by rough motion; wyboisty, nierówny. We were driving along some bumpy road.
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a small package; things fastened together; zawiniątko; kłębek; wiązka, plik. When she was leaving, a small bundle was all she possessed.
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a passer_by, an onlooker; przechodzień, widz, gap. A group of bystanders gathered where the accident had happened.
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a small road or way which not many people travel; droga boczna. If you drive that byway, it may take longer but you won't get lost.
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to laugh unpleasantly in a loud voice; rechotać. this cackling man is really annoying.
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a misfortune, disaster; katastrofa, klęska, nieszczęście. The whole village suffered from serious calamities, such as frequent floods.
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vocation; occupation; summoning; powołanie; zajęcie, fach, profesja; zwołanie, wezwanie. I admire him for the worthy calling he has chosen.
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immature, inexperienced; niedojrzały, niedoświadczony. She's just a callow teenager so you shouldn't expect too much.
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something unfair said about a person in order to make others believe the person is wrong, evil, dishonest, etc.; kalumnia, oszczerstwo. He will pay them back for the calumny.
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positive, optimistic; pozytywny, optymistyczny. Ann's can-do attitude always makes me feel more confident.
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to decide that something planned won't take place; odwoływać. The concert was cancelled, which annoyed me.
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the act of deciding that something won't happen; odwołanie, rezygnacja. There were several cancellations, so the latecomers were able to buy tickets.
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moody, changeable; kapryśny. She tends to be capricious, but generally she's a well-behaved girl.
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to catch; schwytać, złapać, pojmać. The robber was finally captured.
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kind, supporting others; troskliwy, opiekuńczy. You're the most caring person in the world.
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a place to park the car, under a roof supported by two poles; wiata na samochód Why didn't you use the carport?
cash machine
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a machine from which you can take out money using a special card; bankomat. I have to find a cash machine.
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the place in a shop where customers pay; kasa w sklepie. Where's the cash-desk?
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cash machine; a machine from which you get cash; bankomat Is there any cashpoint near here?
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not wanted or needed any more (about a thing that has been used, usually clothes); used clothes that you don't want any more; porzucony, używany; używane ubrania They are always happy to receive cast-offs. New clothes are what they cannot afford.
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a person who escaped a wreck after it sank and managed to get to an island or land; rozbitek. It's another story about a miserable castaway.
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a victim, a person injured; ofiara (wypadku, wojny) There were no casualties in the accident.
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likely to attract attention, melodious; tricky; wpadający w ucho, chwytliwy; zwodniczy, podchwytliwy. This singer is famous for catchy hits and spectacular concerts.
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about a tune) easy to remember; (about illness) contagious; łatwo wpadający w ucho (o melodii); zaraźliwy (o chorobie) Mary's been ill. I wonder if it's catchy.
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a short nap, a short sleep, usually during the day; krótka drzemka. I was working all night long. A catnap would do me good.
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the area where models present clothes; wybieg na pokazie mody. The first time Anne entered the catwalk was pretty stressful.
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avoiding risk; careful; ostrożny, rozważny, przezorny. She's always been a cautious driver.
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in a careful way, avoiding risk; rozważnie, ostrożnie. You should deal with the issue cautiously.
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to stop an activity or something; przestać, zaprzestać, ustać. The protests ceased after a long dispute.
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a very famous or admired person; sława, zankomitość. The presence of celebrities added splendour to the banquet.
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difficult, requiring commitment; trudny, ambitny, wymagający. She tends to be satisfied with easy tasks. She should be given a challenging one to develop her skills.
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the system in which poor people in need are provided food, medicine, etc.; an organization which raises funds for the poor or the diseased; dobroczynność; organizacja charytatywna. Mary started voluntary work at a charity.
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lacking charm, lacking grace; pozbawiony wdzięku. After the fire the town was rebuilt in a charmless way.
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very careful; mean; ostrożny, rozważny; skąpy. He's always been really chary whatever he was doing.
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talkative; gadatliwy Who's thatchatty boy you were talking to?
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in a way which is impolite or rude, without respect; bezczelnie. She answered me way too cheekily.
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offensively bold; bezczelny, impertynencki. His questions sound rather cheeky.
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lively, light-hearted, happy; ożywiony, w dobrym nastroju. What's happened? You seemed so chirpy in the morning and now you're upset.
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the quality of being choosy; wybredność-Her choosiness isn't easy to bear.
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to cut into small pieces; siekac, rąbać. Chop the meat and I'll prepare the sauce.
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words taken from a particular text; cytat, przytoczenie. You must indicate the sources of the citations.
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to mention something that someone else said or proved; cytować, przytaczać; wymieniać. He cites Bertrand Russell in his work.
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a member of a certain country; obywatel. She became a German citizen after her marriage.
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the state of being a member of a certain country; obywatelstwo. He didn't actually apply for American citizenship.
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relatig to a city; miejski. Civic authorities have faced a serious conflict.
civil servant
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a person who works for the goverment; urzędnik państwowy. Sally is planning a civil servant career.
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polite, calm; grzeczny, kulturalny. I wish you behaved in a civilized way.
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to state that something is true; to demand; twierdzić, utrzymywać (że); żądać, domagać się. She claims that it wasn't her fault.
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someone who claims a right to something; osoba wysuwająca roszczenie, domagająca się czegoś. Claimants of the benefit are getting stronger every day as a group.
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loud outcry; to protest, to make loud demands; zgiełk, wrzawa, oburzenie; podnosić wrzawę, głośno się czegoś domagać. The news resulted in clamour from the people.
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to make clear; to explain; klarować, oczyszczać; wyjaśniać. I hope he'll clarify this point. Otherwise I won't understand it.
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the quality of being clear; jasność, przejrzystość, klarowność. As a writer, he's a master of clarity.
class monitor
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a student in class who is responsible for certain jobs; dyżurny w szkole. The teacher said Amy was a perfect class monitor.
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moving) according to the direction of clock's hands; zgodnie z ruchem wskazówek zegara. Each player moves clockwise, throwing the dice twice each turn.
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the process or moment of finishing something, such as a business, activity, discussion; making people not use a particular place or object; zamknięcie; blokada. The increase in school closures is a real threat to teachers.
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a small cloud; chmurka, obłoczek. Amy's drawn a cloudlet in the sky.
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lacking skill, grace or coordination; niezgrabny, niezręczny. Why are you being so clumsy?! You've broken my favourite cup!
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a group, to come together; grupa; gromadzić się. A cluster of fans followed the model wherever she moved.
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a trainer; a tutor; to train someone; to teach someone on oneto-one basis; trener, korepetytor; trenować; udzielać korepetycji
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rough, not soft; rude; szorstki, gruby; nieokrzesany, grubiański. I'd rather you didn't use such coarse language
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one of authors of something; współautor Isn't she a coauthor of this book?
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too self-confident, conceited; zarozumiały, zadufany I would like him if he wasn't so cocksure.
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characteristic of being too confident and rude; zarozumialstwo, zadufanie Jamie's cocksureness makes me sick.
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comfort; wygoda, luksus She claimed that comfiness was more important than the price of the room.
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not involving comfort; gloomy; unhappy, miserable; pozbawiony wygód, komfortu; ponury, nieszczęśliwy. She spent ten long years in that comfortless country.
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comfortable, cosy, nice (about a room, etc.); wygodny, przytulny. Her room was tiny and a bit messy, but really comfy at the same time.
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to order, to tell somebody to do something; nakazywać, rozkazywać. The colonel commanded the soldiers to shoot.
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a religious principle which ought to be obeyed by believers; przykazanie. I wish all Christians obeyed the Ten Commandments.
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to remember and give respect, usually in an official way; czcić pamięć, upamiętniać. The government decided to commemorate the anniversary.
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a television or radio journalist who relates or describes an event; komentator (radiowy lub telewizyjny) His dream was to become a sports commentator
commercial break
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a break in a programme when commercials are broadcast; przerwa na reklamy. I made some tea in the commercial break.
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to do something that is considered wrong, such as a crime; to promise one's loyalty, money, etc. to a particular purpose, person, etc.; popełniać (np. zbrodnię, samobójstwo); popełniać; przeznaczać; angażować się
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loyal and devoted, willing to work hard one's belief; wierny, oddany, zaangażowany. He's always been a committed member of our party.
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usual, common; something common, something that occurs every day; pospolity, powszechny, zwyczajny; rzecz codzienna, powszechne zjawisko. Mobiles have become commonplace.
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a friend, usually at a specific situation, job, etc.; towarzysz, kompan. Jenny would be a perfect travel companion.
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the people one is with; the people surrounding you; towarzystwo (ludzie, którzy spędzają z nami czas) It's actually impolite to ignore your company during a meal.
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a feeling of sympathy and sadness; współczucie, litość. As the author claims, all the basic emotions, such as love, guilt, compassion, anger, are essential to living happily and healthily.
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showing compassion, merciful; współczujący, pełen współczucia, litościwy. We didn't expect such a compassionate response to our appeal.
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enjoying competition; requiring competition; lubiący rywalizację; wymagający rywalizacji. I am very competitive and enjoy challenge.
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difficult, complicated; złożony, skomplikowany. The whole issue appears much more complex than it really is.
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difficult, complicated; złożony, skomplikowany The whole issue appears much more complex than it really is.
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the quality and colour of one's face; the character of something; cera, karnacja; charakter, zabarwienieShe was a young woman with dark eyes and fair complexion.
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the quality of being complex, that is difficult to understand, usually because of too many aspects, plots, problems, etc. being involved; złożoność, zawiłość It was an issue of great complexity.
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to understand, to take in; rozumieć, pojmować This community finds it hard to comprehend. They simply discuss why she acted that way.
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including much, esp. information or knowledge; obszerny, kompletny, wszechstronny This comprehensive study is where you can find reasonable answers to your questions.
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addictive; entertaining; interesting so much that you cannot stop doing it; being an addiction; wciągający, nałogowy, trudny do zaprzestania. She tried to find consolation in compulsive shopping.
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being a must, a duty; obowiązkowy. It was a compulsory piece of homework, unlike the other exercises.
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to form in the mind, to make up; to plan; to get pregnant; wymyślić, obmyślić, wyobrażać sobie; planować; zajść w ciążęThe plan she's conceived will never be accepted by her boyfriend.
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to make a conclusion, to understand something basing on certain data; dochodzić do wniosku, stwierdzać. The boss concluded no further training was necessary.
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damage to the brain which is temporary and is caused by e.g. falling down or a hit on the head; wstrząśnienie mózgu He's in hospital now with a concussion.
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a participant of a conference; uczestnik konferencji A large group of conferees gather around him.
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causing confusion; pomieszany, mylący, wprowadzający w zakłpotanie, niepewność The questions were quite confusing- I was well prepared and still had lots of doubts during the test.
connected (with)
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linked to, related to; związany (z)Is your job in any way connected with television?
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the part of mind that is responsible for distinguishing between good and bad things; sumienie Have you got no conscience? Why are you doing this to me?
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feeling guilty; dręczony wyrzutami sumienia. She must feel conscience-stricken now
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reliable, meticulous; sumienny, skrupulatny He's an extremely conscientious student.
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diligent, putting much effort into one's work; sumienny, skrupulatny In my opinion, such conscientious students should be praised more.
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showing care for others, thinking about people; troskliwy, delikatny, ostrożny Being a very considerate person, Susie avoided the difficult subject which might have worried her mother.
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thinking about something carefully; being kind and caring; rozwaga; uwaga, względy. She always shows consideration to others.
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to limit someone by telling them what they’re not allowed to do and controlling them; to force someone to do sth; ograniczać; zmuszać; zniewalać. I felt constrained to obey my teacher though I hated the idea.
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limitation; the act of forcing someone to do sth; ograniczenie; przymus. Your decision to cooperate with them would mean additional constraints.
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modern, living, existing or creating nowadays; współczesne I wouldn't say he belongs to the most interesting cntemporary artists.
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the state of being glad, content, merry; zadowolenie, radość, uradowanieHer self-confidence and contentment make others trust her as a leader.
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a possibility; an accident; mnożliwość, ewentualność; wypadek, przypadek. Have you discussed all the possible contingencies?
contingency plan
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a plan you make in case something goes wrong; plan awaryjny. Suzie always makes up a contingency plan!
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accidentally; under condition; przypadkowo; warunkowo. There were some soldiers who had been contingently trapped during the expedition.
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a written formal agreement; umowa, kontrakt. They are going to sign a contract with the studio.
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opposite; przeciwny; przeciwnie, odwrotnie I think the contrary, if you ask me.
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comfortable, suited to one's needs; wygodny, dogodny We kindly ask you to inform us whether the date of the meeting is convenient for you.
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to talk with somebody for a long time; konwersowaćThe neighbour used to visit my grandfather every afternoon and they would converse long hours.
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(sb of sth) to make someone agree, to persuade; przekonać (kogoś o czymś) They won't convince the court of their innocence.
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making you believe something or change your opinion about sometning; przekonujący, przekonywającyThe chairman's speech was so convincing everybody applauded.
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a group of people, vehicles, etc. that protect an important person or valuable goods; to protect the above mentioned in a group; konwój, eskorta; konwojować, eskortować. It took over half an hour for the convoy to leave the jammed area.
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the quality of being cool; the quality of being calm; chłód; spokój, opanowanie. Her coolness was really impressive.
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plump, full, obese; korpulentny, pulchny; tęgi. Well, he was short, corpulent and dressed neatly.
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nice and comfortable; przytulny, miły. My grandma’s room is very cosy.
couch potato
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an idler, a person who spends a lot of time on a couch or sofa, usually in front of a tv set; leniuch, obibok, osoba spędzająca większość czasu na kanapie przed telewizorem. Sally's a real couch potato- she won't be happy to join you.
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giving advice to people; doradztwo, poradnictwo, pomoc terapeuty; They specialize in counselling services.
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to produce an illegal imitation; an illegal imitation; podrbiać, fałszować; podróbka, fałszerstwo. Lots of counterfeited tools can be bought at bazaars.
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an oblong vegetable with a green skin; cukinia. I love the way he prepares courgette with tomato sauce!
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a meeting of witches; zlot czarownic, sabat czarownic The Little Witch was punished for taking part in the covet without permission.
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an assembly of witches; zlot czarownic, sabat The girl vividly described the coven which is an opening scene of the movie.
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in a modest or shy way; skromnie; nieśmiało She answerd coyly, blushing and looking down.
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a small swinging bed for babies; the place where something important began; kołyska, kolebka (także metaforycznie) Ancient Greece was the cradle of European civilisation.
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a sudden muscle pain that makes one unable to move for a while; skurcz. That terrible cramp in the leg made me wake up several times during the night.
crash helmet
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a helmet you wear in case of accident; kask ochronny. You're not allowed to enter here without a crash helmet.
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cowardly, fainthearted; bojaźliwy, tchórzliwy, nędzny. Your strategy has been craven submission, which will lead you nowhere.
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making you feel scary; przyprawiający o gęsią skórkę. It must have been a crawly experience.
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fashion, a trend; przelotna moda, szaleństwo. This game is the latest craze among teenagers.
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to produce an unpleasant, sharp sound; skrzypieć, trzeszczeć "What was it?" "It might be the door creaking in our neighbour's garage."
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possible to be believed; wiarygodny. This piece of news appears credible.
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in a manner which involves trust and belief; wiarygodnie. You cannot credibly compare this household to an average one.
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nive, eager to believe what others say; łatwowierny. It sometimes makes me worried, really. She's so credulous and naive.
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to move slowly and quietly; to crawl; skradać się; czołgać się. He crept to the door without being noticed.
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scary, terrible; straszny, niesamowity, przyprawiający o gęsią skórkę. Sarah likes such creepy movies.
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angrily; gniewnie, ze złością "She was late again!" the teacher said crossly.
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of great importance, basic; zasadniczy, kluczowy; decydującyIn my opinion, we omitted crucial aspects of the issue.
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a journey on a ship for pleasure; to go on such a journey; rejs; płynąć w rejs. The cruise was a wonderful idea!
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to break sth into small pieces; kruszyć. A couple of children were crumbling bread for birds in the park.
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to make many folds; to become full of folds; gnieść (się), miąć. This dress will crumple easily.
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to eat with a cracking sound; chrupać. We watched the rabbit crunch carrots.
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making a special sound when you grind it; chrupki, chrupiący, I love crunchy vegetables.
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a special stick which supports you if you have problems with walking; kula (stanowiąca podporę w przypadku problemów z chodzeniem) Since the accident Darek's been on crutches.
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to hold (someone) with affection; tulić, przytulać. The girl cuddled her teddy.
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to swear, to use offensive language; przeklinać, kląć. He realised the bus had left and cursed
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not thorough, not reflected upon; powierzchowny. This article is a typical mixture of stereotype and cursory judgements.
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traditional; habitually practiced; tradycyjny; zwyczajowy; zwyczajny. She's not behaving in her customary manner.
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made in accordance with customer's specific needs; dostosowany do wymagań klienta. Customized goods are what they specialize in.

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