basia 5th June 2014

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around a dozen, a dozen or so
dwa/trzy tuziny
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two / three dozen
pół tuzina
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half a dozen
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bra strap; a narrow band of strong material that is used to fasten, hang, or hold onto something
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changing room / fitting room
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lepkie palce (skłonność do kradzieży)
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sticky fingers
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zataczać się
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to stagger
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to stagger
What staggered us was the sheer size of her salary.
iść na przyjęcie
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go to the party
być na przyjęciu
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be at the party
według, zgodnie z
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according to
poradzić coś komuś
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to advise sb to do sth
Nie potrzebuję rady od ciebie.
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I don't need advice from you.
Skończyłam obiad.
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I'm done with dinner.
Palić można tylko na korytarzu.
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it's permitted to smoke only in the corridor.
Czy mogę zadać pytanie.
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Can I ask a question?
ona jest w trzeciej klasie
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she's in the third grade.
on jest na trzecim roku
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It is the third year
wpaść z wizytą
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to come round
On jest dobrym towarzyszem.
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He is good company
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skontaktować się z kimś
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to get in touch with sb
skontaktować się z kimś
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to contact sb
NEVER: to contact with sb
pozować do zdjęć
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to pose for pictures
We posed for photographs.
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a man and a woman who have recently married
Ona zapłaciła 200 $ za tę sukienkię.
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She paid $200 for this dress.
dyskryminować kogoś
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to discriminate AGAINST sb
filmy z napisami
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dubbed films

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