bank 1

 0    15 fiche    Mother knows best
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questão resposta
do the shopping
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robić zakupy
mop the floor
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myć podłogę
hoover the carpet
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odkurzać dywan
take out the rubbish
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wyrzucać śmieci
tidy the room
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sprzątać pokój
do the laundry
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zrobić pranie
do the washing up
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zmywać naczynia
iron the clothes
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prasować ubrania
walk the dog
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spacer z psem
wash the car
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umyć samochód
lay the table
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nakryć do stołu
cook dinner
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ugotować obiad
clean the windows
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myć okna
dust the furniture
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zetrzeć kurze
dry the dishes
começar a aprender
wycierać naczynia

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