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spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością
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limited liability company
a company in which the responsibility of shareholders for the debts of a company is limited to the amount they have invested in the company
poruszyć (np. wstydliwy temat) odbijać, napoczynać (np. beczkę piwa,
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to begin a discussion of something difficult: to open a bottle or barrel in order to drink its contents:
At some point we've got to discuss money but I don't know how to Shall we broach another cask of wine? broach the subject with him.
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concrete mixer
pozwolenie na budowę
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planning permission
You may need to get planning permission to set up a business at home. Many will also help you find the site and get planning permission.
magazyn, składzil
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a building where supplies or vehicles, especially buses, are
an arms/weapons depot a fuel/storage depot
potargane, zmierzwiony, wytarmoszony (o wyglądzie
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having hair that looks untidy, as if it has been rubbed:
My clothes are all tousled because of the strong wind. He tousled the boy's hair and turned to look at his wife. Naomi stood in front of them, her face flushed, her hair tousled. He came to breakfast, all tousled, in last night's clothes.
kredka (świecowa, woskowa lub pastelowa. pokolorować
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We had our own table up here for crayons and drawing. Place where he had crayoned the wall through the bars of the crib.
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a small bed for a baby or young child with high bars around the sides so that the child cannot fall out. a model of the people and animals present at the birth of Jesus Christ, used as a decoration at Christmas
The baby was sleeping in the crib. We were building a crib in the church for
szybko i sprawnie, krótko i zwięźle
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short and sweet
surprisingly short in a way that is pleasing
This morning's meeting was short and sweet.
w ogóle, ogólnie rzecz biorąc
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by and large
when everything about a situation is considered together
There are a few small things that I don't like about my job, but by and large it's very enjoyable.
cewka moczowa, urinrøret
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he fingered my urethra to pieces and now, whenever I get a need to relieve myself, I have a feeling of releasing a tremendously tiny trickle from a riddled bucket.
mistrz, as, macher; elegancik; fajny, pierwszorzędny
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She prepared a swell dinner for me. a swell party. I didn't expect a swell like him to behave like that.
udostępniać, 2) ułatwiać
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We facilitated our studies to the society.
pochwalić, okrzyknąć bardzo dobrym; krzyknąć, przywołać
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to call someone in order to attract their attention: - call formaø
Shall we hail a taxi? I tried to hail her from across the room. After his speech he faced a hail of questions from reporters. The film was hailed as a masterpiece.
dopingować komuś
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root on somebody
cheer someone on
I will be in the audience and I will root for you.
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connected with art, decorative objects, or design considered by many people to be ugly, without style, or false, but enjoyed by other people, often because they are funny
a kitschy gilt-framed mirror The room was decorated in a cheerfully kitschy style.
placki ziemniaczane
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potato pancakes/ hash browns
zregenerować, odnowić siły
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recuperate, convalesce
to become well again after an illness; to get back your strength, health, etc.:
She spent a month in the country recuperating from/after the operation. After your operation, you'll need to convalesce for a week or two.
(mieszanina suszonych ziół i płatków kwiatów. mieszanka, mieszanina
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There are bowls of potpourri in every room. This cupboard is a potpourri of sweets and snacks.
zwięzły, treściwy
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brief, concise
I'm afraid that the thing your work is missing, is its succinctness. I'm trying to be more succinct, and really, three words are all I need.
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considering or presenting something in a simple way, especially a way that is too simple:
It's nothing more that a reductive explanation for the reasons why the migration period began. reductive explanations of the origin of life
przyjąć coś na wiarę
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take something on trust
there is no point in trying to corroborate the existence of higher power. there are certain phenomena in the universe that you either take on trust or not
łapać zbyt wiele srok za ogon. być zbyt skromnie rozdzielonym
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spread oneself too thin
And that can be both good and ill, for one can spread oneself too thin.
z własnym zasilaniem
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used to describe machines, etc. that do not need an outside energy supply to work as they have their own source of energy:
self-propelled anti-aircraft weapon. They produce an intruder alarm system which is completely self-powered.
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a file
wpedzenie w pułapkę, uwięzienie
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to cause someone to do something that they would not usually do, by unfair methods:
I firmly believe my son has been entrapped by this cult.
szlachetny, prawy
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an upstanding character
otrzymać zgodę, wyrazić zgodę
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to give official permission for something. to satisfy the official conditions of something:
Despite local opposition, the plans for the new supermarket have been cleared by the council. Ladies and gentlemen, air-traffic control has now cleared the plane for take-off. Before you can enter the country, you have to clear customs.
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in damage
compensation in money imposed by law for loss or injury - in plural
she was awarded $284,000 in damages. losses estimated to 51 billions of dollars in damage
im wiecej tym lepiej
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the more the merrier
awaria (przerwa w dostawie prądu), zaciemnienie (wyłączenie świateł w mieście w trakcie nalotu), wyciemnienie (sceny w teatrze)
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blackout (power cut)
The computer didn't work due to the power cut. They issued a blackout as they got reports of oncoming planes. After the blackout, the audience gave a thunderous applause to the actors.
jednostka do zadań specjalnych
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task force
The task force was no longer of any interest to him.
snajper. strzelec wyborowy
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marksman. sharpshooter
someone who can shoot a gun very accurately:
I never expected you to have a marksman on call. Police marksmen were called to the scene.
łączność, łącznik, związek
link between
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communication between people or groups who work with each other:
He blamed the lack of liaison between the various government departments. The police have appointed a liaison officer to work with the local community. She served as a liaison between the different groups. Any liaison with this woman would be dangerous.
dwadzieścia lat, grupa 20 osób lub rzeczy
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by the score - in large numbers.
He lived to be three score years and ten. People are leaving the organization by the score.
porażka (odwrót)
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Don't be discouraged! Reverses are inevitable! Our performance was a huge reverse!
gruzy, odłamki
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broken or torn pieces of something larger
Debris from the aircraft was scattered over a large area.
rzadki, nieczęsty
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His letters became infrequent, then stopped completely.
do samodzielnego montażu
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Self-assembly is the process of association of individual units of a material into highly arranged/ordered structures/patterns. It imparts unique properties to both inorganic and organic structures, so generated, via non-covalent interactions.
nędzny, marny
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Your salary is a measly 50% of mine.
krętlik; obracać się, wywracać oczami
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to (cause to) turn around a central point in order to face in another direction: pivot
She swivelled round to look out of the window. The ostrich swivelled its head in our direction. a swivel chair a swivel lamp. The swivel enables the elements to be moved freely.
skracać, wyciąć, redukować
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to make less by or as if by cutting off or away some part. adds an implication of cutting that in some way deprives of completeness or adequacy.
curtail the power of the executive branch curtail inflation Some school activities are being curtailed due to a lack of funds. ceremonies curtailed because of rain
bagno, moczary, trzęsawisko, obszar łęgów nadrzecznych
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They are moving up the west bank of the fen.
pozbyć się kogoś (zabić)
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do away with somebody
I'll pay you good money if you do away with that rat.
oduczać. odzwyczaić
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wean. disaccustom
to detach from a source of dependence. to free from a usually unwholesome habit or interest. to free from a habit
being weaned off the medication wean the bears from human food. wean him off his excessive drinking
imponujący, okazały
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having an appearance that looks important or causes admiration
an imposing mansion He was an imposing figure on stage.
fraza, która sprawia, że nasza wypowiedź jest mniej precyzyjna i bezpośrednia (np. fraza "sort of", "like", "kind of" itp.), brak jednoznacznej odpowiedzi, wykręcanie się od odpowiedzi
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a word or phrase that makes what you say less strong. vague language
Stop hedging and tell me what you really think.
zmieszać, zbić z tropu
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to surprise and worry someone. unnerve
No one is fazed by the sight of guns here any more.
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Sport- og nyttekjøretøy
sport utility vehicle
wytatuowany, wydziarany
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an inked sailor
szablon, wzór (zrobiony przy użyciu szablonu)
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a picture made by drawing or painting through the holes in such a piece of card, etc. onto a surface:
She did a stencil of a rainbow on her daughter's bedroom wall. She has also become a stencil artist in her own right.
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Can you believe it? I paid a grand for nothing! It costs us four grand.
wigor energia żywość(potocznie)
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energy, or a willingness to be active. vigor
The young teacher was full of pep.
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stirrer, intriguer
troublemaker. "I may be able to get a line on some of those plotters, if there are any here."
jełop, ciul
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an offensive word for a stupid or unpleasant person:
Sorry to speak ill of the dead, but you were a tosser.
smukły, z długimi kończynami
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long-limbed and long-bodied. tall and slender
we could use a rangy girl like you on our basketball team a speech that took a rangy look at the problems facing the university
drwina, szyderstwo
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His words met with much derision.
eliksir wielosokowy
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polyjuice potion
harówka, mordęga
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drudgery. grind
grind. hard, boring work
the drudgery of housework. The daily grind of taking care of three children was wearing her down.
najedź kursorem na
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hover over
I don't need somebody hovering over me all the time!
ŁAWICA, płycizna, wypłycenie, tłum (ludzi)
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: a large group or number: CROWD
a shoal of fish
odznacz, cofnąć wybór, anulować wybór, wycofać poparcie
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please, deselect the function that you chose at the beginning. After being deselected he decided to run as an independent.
opuszczany, rozkładany (okienko, menu)
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A drop-down list makes it easy to move between members. Go to the drop-down menu at the top of the Window.
wyświetlić coś (na ekranie)
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Click on it so as to pull up some information about this event.
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therefore, a zatem. idąc tym tropem myślenia
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as such,
As such, we were actually able to read a book!
posiadać predyspozycje
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possess the predisposition
Such is the predisposition in this city to leave things as they are. possess the predisposition to achieve formidable exploits.
usidlić zmysły
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ensnare the senses
zatrzymać coś
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put a stopper on smth
put a stopper on decaying processes.
przeglądać, przekartkować
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flip through, leaf through
have a flick through Harry Potter. I was bored, so I leafed through some magazines. She's been nervously flipping through a magazine.
połączenie, związek
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After hours of wondering, I finally found the link I had been looking for. There is a strong link between alcoholism and crime. His links with Spain are still strong.
działka (kolonihage), przydział I przydzielanie
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a small piece of ground in or just outside a town that a person rents for growing vegetables, fruits, or flowers. the process of sharing something, or the amount that you get
The allotment of the company's shares to its employees is still to be decided. We have used up this year's allotment of funds.
dowcip, bystra uwaga, dowcipne powiedzenie
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But he had some witticisms today that really surprised me." But do try to keep the witticisms under control, if you would."
klapa, klapka, trzepot, trzepotanie
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part of the back of an aircraft wing that can be moved up or down to help the aircraft go up or down
The door was closed, but the cat flap was open. A few flaps of its long wings and the bird was gone.
goguś, dorosły samiec zająca, kozioł
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the male of some animals such as deer and rabbits, or (in South Africa) a male or female antelope
Look at him, what a buck! We saw two bucks goring
przesada aby mówić
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a stretch to say
to manage to give or pay a particular amount, often a larger amount than you might expect:
How much money do you want to borrow?" "Could you stretch to £50?"I'm not too fond of taxes either, but it's a bit of a stretch to claim they are the cause of all our problems." "It's a bit of a stretch to call her a teacher.
nikczemny, niecny (literacki)
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(especially of activities) morally bad
The company's CEO seems to have been involved in some nefarious practices/activities.
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I live in a neighbourhood ridden with crime and violence
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to treat a person like a tool or toy, as if they had no feelings, opinions, or rights of their own:
She denied that the magazine objectified women.
namiot indiański
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a type of tent in the shape of a cone made from animal skins that was the traditional shelter of some Native Americans
impreza, głośne przyjęcie, zachwycać się (czymś), bredzić, majaczyć
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to praise something very much: an event where young people dance to modern electronic music and sometimes take illegal drugs:
She raved about/over the clothes she had seen at the Paris fashion shows. The show has received rave reviews/notices in all the papers. an all-night/open-air rave. The tourists raved over London. After taking the drug, the addict began to rave.
wyniszczenie, 2) tarcie, ścieranie się, skrucha
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gradually making something weaker and destroying it, especially the strength or confidence of an enemy by repeatedly attacking it: SLITASJE
The immensely hot weather resulted in the attrition of the forests. There is no attrition in him for what he has done. This fabric is prone to attrition. Terrorist groups and the government have been engaged in a costly war of attrition since 2008.

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