As novidades da faculdade

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Janeiro foi o primeiro mês de André na faculdade.
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January was André's first month at college.
O rapaz decidiu estudar para ser advogado e está muito animado com isso.
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The boy decided to study to become a lawyer and is very excited about it.
Ele decidiu que estudará bastante para tirar boas notas.
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He decided that he will study hard to get good grades.
Quando chegou na universidade, André percebeu que ocorria um evento para festejar a entrada dos novos alunos e ficou muito feliz.
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When he arrived at the university, André realized that an event was taking place to celebrate the entrance of the new students and he was very happy.
No local, ele conheceu outras pessoas e fez novas amizades.
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There, he met other people and made new friends.
Além de estudar, o universitário também gosta de festas, da mesma forma que seus colegas, que logo organizaram uma outra festa para se conhecerem melhor.
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In addition to studying, the university student also likes parties, just like his colleagues, who soon organized another party to get to know each other better.
A primeira semana de estudos foi intensa e os jovens universitários puderam festejar apenas no final de semana.
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The first week of studies was intense and the young university students were able to celebrate only on the weekend.
A festa ocorreu na piscina da casa de um dos estudantes e teve a presença de vários convidados.
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The party took place in the swimming pool of the home of one of the students and was attended by several guests.
André optou por não beber na comemoração, pois decidiu que dirigiria para os demais colegas ao final da comemoração.
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André chose not to drink at the celebration, as he decided that he would drive to the other colleagues at the end of the celebration.
No Brasil, as leis de trânsito proíbem que os motoristas bebam antes de dirigirem seus veículos.
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In Brazil, traffic laws prohibit drivers from drinking before driving their vehicles.
O jovem ficou bastante animado com a presença de uma garota chamada Laura.
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The young man was very excited by the presence of a girl named Laura.
Ela era bonita e tinha os cabelos cacheados.
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She was beautiful and had curly hair.
Os dois começaram a namorar após a festa e passaram a se encontrar todos os dias depois das aulas.
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The two started dating after the party and started meeting each day after school.
Se André for bem em todas as matérias, ele concluirá o curso em cinco anos e quer voltar para a cidade onde nasceu para trabalhar como advogado.
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If André does well in all subjects, he will complete the course in five years and wants to return to the city where he was born to work as a lawyer.

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