arodzaje budynków

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questão resposta
hala, jednokondygnacyjny budynek przemysłowy
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hall, single-storey industrial building
they got a planning permision for a single storey industrial building
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cold store
they have special panela for cold store
magazyn, skład (towarów)
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depot, storehouse
we keep finished products in a depot
centrum dystrybucyjne
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distribution centre
they're now enlarging the distribution centre
magazyn, hurtownia, duży sklep
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this warehouse is too small for our needs
centrum handrole
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shopping mall
the shopping mall will be demolished in March
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department store
can i buy tires in that department store
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are you going to renovate that shop?
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office building
they want to convert it into an office building
blok mieszkalny
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a block of flats/ apartment block
we plan to build 3 apartment blocks this year
bliźniak (rodzaj budynku)
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semi-detached house
he also owns this semi-detached house
dom jednorodzinny
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single-family house
mały parterowy domek jednorodzinny
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she's staying at our holiday bungalow
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a factory
we've got occupancy permit for the factory
pozwolenie na użytkowanie
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occypancy permit
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power plant
nobody wants to live close to the power plant
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a hospital
that hospital is still not in use
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you cannot enter the barracks without permit
parking dla samochodów
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car park
can we leave the creane in the car park?
parking dla osób niepełnosprawnych
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parking lot for disabled people
garaż wielopoziomowy
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multi-storey garage
daszek nad wejsciem
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roof over the entrance/ canopy
we have to take down this glass canopy
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take down
wiata, schronisko, schron
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they put up a temporary wooden shelter
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put up
postawili tymczasową drewnianą wiatę
they put up a temporary wooden shelter
szopa, buda, barak, hangar
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zostawilem poziomice w szopie narzedziowej
i left the spirit level in tye tool shed
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stajnie zostały rozebrane w zeszłym roku
the stable were pulled down last year
rozebrać budowlę
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pull down
stajnie zostały rozebrane w zeszłym roku
the stables werw pulled down last year
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a tower
how tall is this tower?
tunel, przejście podziemne, korytarz podziemny
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tunnel, underground passage, underground corridor
wykopali tunel przy pomocy wiertnicy
they dug the tunel with a boring machine
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dig-dug-dug - odmiana)
ściana oporowa
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retaining wall
to są kotwy do ściany oporowej
these are anchors for the retaining wall
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a bridge
jaki jest przeswit pod mostem?
what's the clearance below the bridge
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roboty drogowe ruszają w maju
the roadworks will start in May
droga dojazdowa
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access road
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linia kolejowa
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we're building a railway tunnel in Norway
stacja kolejowa
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railway station
it's one of the oldest railway station in Poland

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