Army headquarters structure

 0    12 fiche    Monika1980
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questão resposta
Personnel Department
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Pion ewidencyjno-kadrowy
Intelligence Department
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Pion rozpoznania
Operation Department
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Pion operacyjny
Logistics Department
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Pion Logistyki
Plans and Policy Department
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Pion planowania strategicznego
Communications Department
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Pion ds. łączności i informatyki
Training Department
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Training Department inglês
Pion szkoleniowy
Budget Contracting and Finance Department
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Pion finansowy
Civil-Military Cooperation Department
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Pion współpracy cywilno-wojskowej
Engineering Department
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Pion inżynierii wojskowej
Public Information Office
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Biuro prasowo-informacyjne
Protocole Office
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Departament dyplomacji

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