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Power Push Unit
Mooring -
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Fuel Nozzle -
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dysza paliwowa
Fuel transfer from RH to LH tank (selector)
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Fuel transfer from LH to RH tank (selector)
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Tire pressure
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MAIN: between 157 and 167 psi. NOSE: 131 and 141 psi
Digital oxygen pressure CYAN on MFD
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minimum for 2 crew members
LNAV mode activation
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when is armed, will automatucally engage when passing 200ft during climb. Or after pressing NAV button, when the airplane is above 200ft
Bank angle command during localizer capture
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to 35°
Autoland limits
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decision height 50ft, RVR 200m
Retard mode engagement
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at or below 30ft
useage of CPDLC - altitude
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above FL200
time for crew to response to CPDLC message
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100 seconds
CPDLC connection terminated after landing - when?
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2 minutes after the airplane door open or pakring brakes set
Manual IDG disonnection by selecting IDG knob to DISC position for...
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for 1 second
Which circuit breakers can flight crew reset?
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Electronic in SPDAs and Thermal in Cockpit
INHIB button - cockpit doors
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inhibits the emerg entry for 500s. not pressed will open the door in 30s.
EMB 190 STD, EMB 195 LR, EMB 195 LR (SP-LNO, SP-LNP), EMB 195 AR - passenger seats + attendants
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EMB 190 STD - 106+4, EMB 195 LR - 112+4, EMB 195 LR (SP-LNO, SP-LNP) - 118+3, EMB 195 AR - 118+4
EMB 170, EMB 175, EMB 175 LR - passenger seats + attendants
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EMB 170 - 76+2, EMB 175 - 88+2, EMB 175 LR - 82+3
CAT III decision height
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50 ft
Minimum use height of autopilot without auto land
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50 ft
EMB 190 - Max headwind, max tailwind, max crosswind
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Max headwind - 37kt, max tailwind - 10kt, max crosswind - 16kt
EMB 170 - Max headwind, max tailwind, max crosswind
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Max headwind - 25kt, max tailwind - 10kt, max crosswind - 12kt
CAT II / IIIA approach and landing must be performed with flaps:
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flaps 5
AUTOLAND - The maximum and minimum glide slope angles are:
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3.25 degrees and 2.5 degrees
The maximum airport elevation for autoland operation is
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7340 ft
EMB 190 and EMB 170 - AUTOLAND - Runway slopes
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EMB 190 - -1% to +1%. EMB 170 - -0.8% to +0.8%
Wind limitations for autoland
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headwind - 25kt. crosswind - 15kt. Tailwind - 10kt
Autoland 1 must be performed with flaps:
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flaps 5
Minimum equipemnt for RVSM
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2 Air Data Systems, 1 Autopilot with altitude hold mode, 1 Altitude alerter, 1 transponder
Before takeoff the maximum difference among the three altimeters indication must not exceed:
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during cruise when altitude maximum difference between PFD 1 and PFD 2 exceeds
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Airplane allowed for steep approach operations
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EMB 190-100
The steep approach to landing may be performed with an approach flight path angle up to
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The steep approach operations in contaminated runways
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from 4.5° to 5.4°
2 limitations for steep approach operations
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2 operating engines and only CAT I approaches
Minimum use height of autopilot during steep approach operations
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Maximum airport altitude for steep approach operations
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Flaps position for steep approach operation
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Max tailwind and crosswind component for steep approach
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tailwind - 5kt. crosswind - 25kt
Max. runway slope for steep approach operations
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-2% to +2%
When anti-ice AUTO mode is inoperative, the crew must set the selector to ON when:
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icing conditions exists, TAT below 10°C with visible moisture
Maximum airspeed for windshield wiper operation
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MTOW for EMB170 STD, EMB175 STD, EMB 175 LR
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EMB170 STD - 37t, EMB175 STD - 37,5t, EMB 175 LR - 38,8t
MTOW for EMB190 STD, EMB190 AR, EMB 195 LR, EMB 195 AR
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EMB190 STD - 48t, EMB190 AR - 52t, EMB 195 LR - 51t, EMB 195 AR - 52t
MLAW for EMB170 STD, EMB175 STD, EMB 175 LR
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EMB170 STD - 33t, EMB175 STD - 34t, EMB 175 LR - 34t
MLAW for EMB190 STD, EMB190 AR, EMB 195 LR, EMB 195 AR
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EMB190 STD - 43t, EMB190 AR - 44t, EMB 195 LR - 45t, EMB 195 AR - 46t
Speed to open the direct vision window
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160 kt
Vlo and Vle for EMB 170
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Maximum Tire ground speed
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Max turbulent speed
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below 10000ft - 250kt. Above 270kt/0.76Mach
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0.82 Mach
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Minimum runway elevation
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Maximum runway elevation
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EMB 190 - 10000ft. EMB 170 - 8000ft
Max operating altitude
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Max ISA deviation
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ISA + 35°C
temperatures on the ground - range
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-54°C and 52°C
temperatures in the air - range
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-65°C and -21,5°C
Min temperature for landing for necessary maintenance inspection
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Max takeoff and landing tailwind component
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Maximum demonstrated crosswind component for landing
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Due to engine compressor stall possibility, static takeoff is not recommended with crosswind component greater than
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30kt for EMB 190. 25kt for EMB170
max wind for ground-handling activities
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Max wind for passenger door opening
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Max wind for cargo door opening and closing
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40kt and 65kt
Max crosswind for dry and wet runway
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Dry - 38kt. wet - 31kt
Max crosswind for runway with frost
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Max crosswind for compacted snow/winter (condition 4)
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Max crosswind for runway with standing water/slush/wet or dry snow
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Max crosswind for winter (condition 3)
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Max crosswind for wet runway and slippery
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Max crosswind for runway with ice
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Max positive and negative load factor
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Positive - 2,5g (flaps up) and 2,0g (flaps). Negative - 1,0g (flaps up) and 0g (flaps)
max flaps position for towbarless towing
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position 2
Runway slope limits
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-2% to 2%
Max water depth on the runway
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EMB190 - 25,4mm. EMB170 - 19mm.
Unusable fuel
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EMB190 - 92kg. EMB 170 - 68kg
Usable fuel
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EMB190 - 13100kg. EMB 170 - 9428kg
Max. fuel capacity
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EMB190 - 13192kg. EMB 170 - 9496kg
Lowest temperature of Jet A1
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APU - max. altitude to start
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Time of APU to operate in amber range of temperature
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no limit
APU - max. operating altitude
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CF34-10E5 - N2 minimum limit
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CF34-10E5 - max ITT temp. on the ground and in flight
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on the ground - 740°C and in flight - 875°C
CF34-10E5 - minimum oil pressure
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25 psi
CF34-8E5 - Max N1 and Min, Max N2
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N1 - max. 99,5%. N2 - min. 58,5%, max. 99,4%
CF34-8E5 - max. ITT temp. for start
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CF34-8E5 - limits of oil pressure
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min. 25psi and max. 95psi
TAS, TAT and SAT information are only valid above what speed?
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Maximum latitude of stationary alignment of IRS
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78° N and S
Maximum differential pressure and overpressure
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8,4psi and 8,8psi
Maximum differential negative pressure
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Maximum differential pressure for take-off and landing
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0,2 psi
Maximum altitude for flaps extended
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Minimum use height of autopilot
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cruise or descent - 1000ft. Approach - 50ft
Difference between the charts and the FMS information
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up to 3°
MEMORY ITEMS - cargo forward (aft) smoke
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Associated cargo fire extinguising button - PUSH
THR Hold - when is it operating?
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above 60kt and to 400ft
MEMORY ITEMS - smoke evacuation
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Crew oxygen masks - DON, 100%; Crew communication - establish; pressurization dump button - PUSH IN
MEMORY ITEMS - Smoke, fire or fumes
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crew oxygen masks - DON, 100%; crew communication - Establish
MEMORY ITEMS - Dual engine failure
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Airspeed - 265kt (250kt - emb170) MIN; RAT manual deploy lever - PULL
MEMORY ITEMS - engine abnormal start
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Affected engine: START/STOP selector - STOP
MEMORY ITEMS - engine fire, severe damage or separation
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autothrottle - disengage; N1 (operating engine) - at least 5% above N1 idle; affected engine: thrust lever - IDLE; start/stop selector - STOP; fire extinguising handle - PULL
MEMORY ITEMS - Engine fire (on ground)
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affected engine: thrust lever - IDLE; start/stop selector - STOP; fire extinguising handle - PULL
MEMORY ITEMS - gear lever can not be moved up
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If climb performance is required to clear obstacles: DN LOCK REL button - PRESS AND HOLD; landing gear lever - UP; DN LOCK REL button - RELEASE
MEMORY ITEMS - Jammed control column (pitch)
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Elevator Disconnect Handle - PULL
MEMORY ITEMS - Jammed control wheel (roll)
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Aileron Disc Handle - PULL
MEMORY ITEMS - pitch trim runaway
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A/P Disc button - PRESS AND HOLD; Pitch trim systems 1 and 2 cutout button - OFF (push in)
MEMORY ITEMS - rejected takeoff
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thrust levers - IDLE; reverse thrust - as required; brake pedals (if autobrake is not armed) - MAX APPLY; EMERG/PARKING brake - as required; (if required) EMERG evacuation proxedure - Accomplish
MEMORY ITEMS - roll (yaw) trim runaway
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a/p disc button - PRESS AND HOLD
MEMORY ITEMS - Steering runaway
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Steer Disc Switch - PRESS; use differential braking and rudder to steer the airplane
MEMORY ITEMS - Windshear prevention/recovery
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thrust levers - MAX; Go Around button - PRESS
MEMORY ITEMS - battery 1 (2) overtemperature
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Associated battery - OFF
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APU Emergency stop button - PUSH IN
minimum pressure to dispatch in crew oxygen cylinder
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green - 1150psi. amber - 842psi
Where is the ELT istalled?
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impact switch in the rear rack and antenna on the top rear
The Embraer FBW system is composed of:
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9 x ACEs (Actuator Control Electronics) and 4x FCMs (Flight Control Modules)
Nine ACEs consist of:
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3x Primary, 2x Slat/Flap, 1x horizontal stabilizer, 3x spoiler
What controls P-ACE?
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rudder and the elevator surfaces
What controls SF-ACE?
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slat and flap surface
What controls HS-ACE?
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horizontal stabilizer surface
How long does it take to perform Electrical PBIT and Hydraulic PBIT?
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Electrical - 3 minutes. Hydraulic - 1 minute
Hydraulic fluid temperature indications
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temp - 100°C - HYD HI TEMP. temp - 125°C - shutoff valve islotes the EDP. temp - 145°C - HYD OVERHEAT
After what conditions the ice detectors inhibits the MCDU setting of anti-ice
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above 1700ft or 2 min after liftoff
The wing anti-ice system test during flight
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10 min after takeoff or at 10000ft AGL (whichever occurs first). It takes 60 seconds.
How many cabinets are in the MAUs?
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MAU 1 has 20 slots. MAU 2 and MAU 3 - each has 16 slots
What is the Vfs speed?
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Takeoff final segment speed
Margin of green dot
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1,3g over stock shaker speed or 40° of bank angle for wings leveled
miscompare annunciators for pitch and roll
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pitch > 5° roll > 6°
miscompare annunciator for speed
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IAS > 5kt
miscompare annunciator for altitude
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ALT > 200ft
miscompare annunciator for heading
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HDG > 6°
When will the autobrake start acting?
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2 seconds after WOW detects on the ground
FADEC will not allow fuel flow if ITT is above...
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When will ATTCS automatically command RSV?
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diference between both N1 is greater than 15% or one engine failure during takeoff/go-around or windshear detection
When approach idle?
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in flight, altitude less than 15000ft and flaps 1 or greater or landing gear
when final approach idle?
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altitude lower than 1200ft AGL, landing gear and landing flaps
altitude of windshear detection activation
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between 10ft and 1500ft
Resolution advisory and traffic advisory
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20s to 30s and 35s to 45s
Proximate traffic TCAS
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within 6,5nm and 1200ft above or below
net/gross climb gradient
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Net - demonstrated gross gradient reduced by 0,8% during takeoff and 1,1% during enroute
If the message ENG REF ECS DISAG is displayed after the Bleed and Pack buttons are pushed IN, what will you do?
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smoothly advance thrust levers to increase bleed pressure to min 13 psig
to which altitude packs off/on during takeoff
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up to 500ft AGL
speeds for CAT II / III
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Vref = Vac = Vap
How to enable Autoland function on MCDU
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Autobrake for CAT II/III
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not less than MED
is Autopilot required for LNAV/VNAV approach?
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only if non-SBAS
How many static discharges are on the aileron and winglet?
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aileron - 3 ; winglet - 6
How many static discharges are on the rudder, elevator, stabilizers on E190 and E170
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E190 - 4 on rudder, 3 on elevator, 3 on horziontal stabilizer and 1 on vertical. E170 - 4 on rudder, 4 on elevator and 1 on vertical stabilizer
minimum batteries temperature for start
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Engine start in cold conditions - case with engine oil
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if the oil is between -20 and -40 after start oil pressure may drop. if it not increase after 2 min - SHUT DOWN
takeoff during icing conditions
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set takeoff thrust at 54% n1 for 30s before takeoff roll
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leave the flaps extended
autopilot disengaged during CAT II approach
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above 1000ft try to reengage it, if disengage agaij - GO AROUND. below 1000ft perfom GO AROUND
Autoland - callouts and heights
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1500ft - check for Autoland 1. 1000ft - stabilization. 800ft - autotrim. 500ft - stabilziation. 100ft above minimums - approaching minimums. 150ft - ALIGN on FMA. 50ft - FLARE on FMA. 30ft - RETARD. If no D-ROT or NO ROLLOUT continue landing manually
RNP value for remote/oceanic, en-route, temrinal, approach, missed approach
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remote/oceanic - 4, en-route - 2, temrinal - 1, approach - 0,3, missed approach - 1
maximum rate of descent at touchdown during overweight landing
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360 ft/min
during windshear escape maneuver how far will you maintain configuration (gear and flaps)?
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until 1500ft AGL or after Windshear label is removed
what pitch during windshear escape maneuver?
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20° or PLI
upset recovery conditions:
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pitch up 25°, pitch down 10°, bank more than 45°
depresurization, oxygen profile
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descent to FL220, within 14 min. descent to FL140 within 30min to FL100
green dot
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provides the minimum speed for the current configuration
how to disarm slide
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all small handles up
fire detection class of cargo compartment
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class C

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