animal vocabs

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questão resposta
der Hund
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the dog
die Katze
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the cat
das Kaninchen
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the rabbit
das Pferd
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die Kuh
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the cow
das Schwein
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the pig
der Hamster
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the hamster
die Schildkröte
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the turtle
der Fisch
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of fish
das Meerschweinchen
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the guinea pig
der Vogel
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the bird
die Ente
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the duck
der Papagei
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the parrot
die Ziege
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the goat
der Elefant
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the elephant
die Schlange
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the snake
der Hase
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the rabbit
der Wolf
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the wolf
der Affe
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the monkey
der Bär
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the bear
der Fuchs
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the fox
das Schaf
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the sheep

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