questão |
resposta |
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GETTING STARTED: Which one shall we start with?
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MOVING TO THE NEXT ITEM: So what about (topic)? What do you think about this idea?
tracimy czas, przejdźmy do kolejnego... começar a aprender
We are running out of time, so let's move on...
oh, to się wiąże z następnym tematem começar a aprender
Ah, that connects with the next topic...
Przepraszam, muszę przeszkodzić ale... começar a aprender
INTERRUPTING: Sorry to interrupt but...; Just a second...
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AGREEING: right; good point; I fully agree; I couldn't agree more; You are totally right.
zakańczanie tematów (Speaking) começar a aprender
ENDING YOUR TURN: Do you have anything to say about that?; Do you have anything to add to that?; Did I forget anything?
niezgadzanie się (Speaking) começar a aprender
DISAGREEING: Maybe, but what about...; I think it would be better to...; I'm not so keen on that; I don't really agree with you there.
podejmowanie decyzji (Speaking) começar a aprender
We can eliminate (topic) right away. Don't you think?; So then, what do you think is the best one?; Are we both in favour of (topic)?; Okay, so we agree.
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As far as I'm concerned...
o czym wspomniałaś wcześniej começar a aprender
What you mentioned before...
Jeśli musiałabym wybierać, wybrałabym... começar a aprender
If I had to choose, I would choose...
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money makes things easier
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życie jest zajęte bo czynimy je zajętym começar a aprender
Life is busy because we make it busy!
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pracujemy ciężko i potrzebujemy odpoczynku começar a aprender
We all work very hard and need a rest/break
jest jednym z najbardziej atrakcyjnych miast começar a aprender
is one of the most attractive cities
bardzo chciałabym pojechać do começar a aprender
tam się dzieje mnóstwo rzeczy przez cały czas começar a aprender
there is a lot of things happening all the time
mieszanka tych dwóch jest najlepsza começar a aprender
the mix of both is the best
dobre muzeum ma sporo interaktywnych rzeczy começar a aprender
a good museum has more interactive things
więc ludzie mogą zrozumieć historię lepiej... começar a aprender
so people can understand the history better...
uczenie języka czyni mnie szczęśliwą começar a aprender
It makes me happy to learn English...
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zakupy online stają się coraz bardziej popularne começar a aprender
Online shopping is getting more popular
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duże sklepy wielkopowierzchniowe zabiły małe lokalne sklepiki começar a aprender
the out of town shopping malls have killed so many smaller shops
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wszystkie szczegóły czegoś começar a aprender
sklepy są obecnie projektowane do zabawy começar a aprender
Shops are designed to be a fun event, not just for buying things
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telewizja nie jest rodzicem! começar a aprender
trudno powiedzieć ile jest dobrze a ile źle começar a aprender
it's hard to say how muc is good and how much is bad.
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BUYING TIME: I've never really thought about that...; That's a good questions; Oh! Let me think...
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My job involves human contacts and dealing with customers.
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I work overtime/long hours.
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stick to the rules / hold to principles
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piłka nożna jest sportem narodowym começar a aprender
football is our country's national sport
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górny rysunek pokazuje/dolny rysunek pokazuje começar a aprender
the top picture shows / the bottom picture shows
na jednym zdjęciu jest... a na drugim... começar a aprender
in one picture there are ... in the other picture there are...
na zdjęciu to wygląda jakby... começar a aprender
in the picture above it looks as if.../ in the one below it looks like...
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both pictures show / in both picture there are
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There are ... in both photographs...
inną różniącą się rzeczą jest... começar a aprender
another thing that's different is...
one są wyraźnie powiązane tematem começar a aprender
They are clearly both connected to the topic of...
oba obrazki pokazują... ale jeden... kiedy drugi... começar a aprender
both pictures show ... but this one ... whereas the other one........