angielski strona bierna

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questão resposta
will ////// i will study it.
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will be ///// it will be studied
will have //// i will have studied it.
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will have been //// It will have been studied
must/can/may i must study it
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must / can / may BE it must be studied
have/has to i have to study it
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have / has to BE ---> It has to be studied
have/has i have studied it
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have / has BEEN -----> it has been studied
had i had studied it
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had BEEN ----> it had been studied
was/ i was studying it.
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was BEING ------> it was being studied
am/is/are/// i am study it
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am / is / are BEING -----> it is being studied
i study it
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it is studied
i studied it
começar a aprender
it was studied
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