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the handle of a weapon or tool, especially a sword, dagger, or knife
"The chief's words may be disjointed, but his message is clear." começar a aprender
piecing together disjointed fragments of information
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a small piece of tasty food.
"I used to call her Miss Mouse because she was so meek and mild" começar a aprender
quiet, gentle, and easily imposed on; submissive.
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a soldier or guard whose job is to stand and keep watch.
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koleżeństwo / poczucie koleżeństwa mutual trust and friendship among people who spend a lot of time together.
"The service can be a bit surly - just consider it part of the cultural experience." começar a aprender
bad-tempered and unfriendly.
"But the officials concede the policy may have gone too far." começar a aprender
przyznawać / oddawać (np. słuszność) admit that something is true or valid after first denying or resisting it.
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the movement of the tide out to sea.
"he was not guilty of murder but was guilty of aiding and abetting others" começar a aprender
pomagać w przestępstwie / podżegać encourage or assist (someone) to do something wrong, in particular, to commit a crime or other offense.
"She could not continue in the drabness that was the world without it." começar a aprender
lacking brightness or interest; drearily dull.
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make faces, especially silly or exaggerated ones, before an audience or a camera.
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obfity / obszerny (np. ubranie, biust)
"He used a red instead of the others, throwing a lurid light through the room." começar a aprender
jaskrawy / przejaskrawiony very vivid in color, especially so as to create an unpleasantly harsh or unnatural effect.
"They worked hard to return this armor to its original sheen." começar a aprender
a soft luster on a surface.
"Do I really want to be a god of wine, madness, and lechery?" começar a aprender
excessive or offensive sexual desire; lustfulness.
The squalls signalled the approach of the hurricane. começar a aprender
nawałnica / szkwał (nadmorski wiatr) a sudden violent gust of wind or a localized storm, especially one bringing rain, snow, or sleet.
"The difference between our legal systems, including their procedures, is clearly still a constraint." começar a aprender
a limitation or restriction.
"As she was in the act of getting back into the car, an expression of pain flitted across Lo's face." começar a aprender
move swiftly and lightly.
"The loquacious coach added, however, that it was his last word on the matter." começar a aprender
tending to talk a great deal; talkative.
"she is foster mother to various waifs and strays" começar a aprender
podrzutek / porzucone dziecko a homeless, neglected, or abandoned person, especially a child.