Angielski do I 26.02.2023

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questão resposta
odpowiadać niegrzecznie
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answear back
ręczyć za
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answer for
liczyć na coś
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bank on
Tom is very disapointed as he banked on the pay rise and finally he didn't get it.
poszukiwać, gonić
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be after
John is after a job in marketing.
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bring down
The present acute crisis in economy may bring the government down.
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bring sb around/round
uspokoić się
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calm down
They had a hard time in their relationship but now everything seems to have calmed down
opiekować się, troszczyć
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care for
She cares for her younger sister.
zachmurzyć się
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cloud over
As the sky clouded over, we had to resign from sunbathing that day.
zdarzać się
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come about
zagłębiać się
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delve into
I don't want to delve into details concerning his death. It's too painful
polegać na
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depend on
You can always depend on me. The tram is late again! You really can't depend on public transport.
zależeć (od czegoś)
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depend on sth
Our decision depends on the results of the test.
zostawać z tyłu
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fall behind
The horse started the race quite promising but then fell behind on the last bend. Tom has fallen behind in his English recently.
zakochać się
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fall for sb/sth
I fell for her the moment I saw her for the first time
uchodzić na sucho
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get away with sth
We all knew he was lying but he managed to get away with it.
wsiadać do/na
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get on
The bus was full so we couldn't get on.
radzić sobie
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get on/along
czekać przez chwilę
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hang on
Hang on a second, I'll be right there.
trzymać się
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hang on
Hang on or you'll fall.
narzucać coś
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impose sth on/upon
Spanish invaders imposed their culture and beliefs on native Americans.
folgować sobie/ pozwalać sobie na coś I
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indulge in
I indulged in a cup of hot chocolate in the morning

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