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the pineapple
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die Ananas, die Ananas/Ananasse
the bell pepper
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die Paprika, die Paprika
the nose
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die Nase, die Nasen
the banana
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die Banane, die Bananen
the salad
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Der Salat, die Salate
the can
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Die Dose, die Dosen
the information
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die Information
the music
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die Musik
the chocolate
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die Schokolade, die Schokoladen
the watch
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Die Uhr, die Uhren
the mouth
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der Mund, die Münder
the tomato
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die Tomate, die Tomaten
the bread
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das Brot, die Brote
the donkey
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der Esel, die Esels
the duck
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die Ente, die Enten
the olive
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die Olive, die Oliven
the lights
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dieLampe, die Lampen
the policeman
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der Polizist, die Polizisten
the trousers
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die Hose, die Hosen
the knife
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das Messer, die Messer
the hand
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die Hand, die Hände
the wool
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die Wolle, die Wollen
the tie
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die Krawatte, die Krawatten
the fish
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der Fisch, die Fische
the spoon
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der Löffel, die Löffel
the pan
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die Pfanne, die Pfannen
the apple
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der Apfel, die Äpfel
the bird
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der Vogel, die Vögel
the sweater
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der Pullover, die Pullover
the computer
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der Computer, die Computer
the cream
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die Creme, die Cremes
the money
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das Geld, die Gelder
the hedgehog
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der Igel, die Igel
the suitcase
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der Koffer, die Koffer
the chocolate
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die Schokolade, die Schokoladen
the backpack
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der Rucksack, die Rucksäcke
the skirt
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der Rock, die Röcke
the mirror
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der Spiegel, die Spiegel
the spider
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die Spinne, die Spinnen
the milk
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die Milch
the book
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das Buch, die Bücher
the bottle
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die Flasche, die Flaschen
the chair
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der Stuhl, die Stühle
the pen
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der Stift, die Stifte
the lemon
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die Zitrone, die Zitronen
the pizza
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die Pizza, die Pizzas/Pizzen
the onion
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die Zwiebel, die Zwiebeln
the rose
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die Rose, die Rosen
the scissors
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die Schere, die Scheren
the knee
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das Knie, die Knie
the eye
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das Auge, die Augen
the stomach
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der Bauch, die Bäuche
the euro
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der Euro, die Euros
the airplane
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das Flugzeug, die Flugzeuge
the ice cream
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die Eiscreme, die Eiscremes
the dress
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das Kleid, die Kleider
the xylophone
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das Xylophon, die Xylophone
the cab
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das Taxi, die Taxis
the yoga
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das Yoga
mobile phone
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das Handy, die Handys
the foot
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der Fuß, die Füße
the soccer ball
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der Fußball, die Fußbälle
the square
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das Quadrat, die Quadrate
the flute
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die Flöte, die Flöten
the surprise
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die Überraschung, die Überraschungen
the key
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der Schlüssel, die Schlüssel
the jacket
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die Jacke, die Jacken
the yogurt
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der Joghurt, die Joghurts
the cheese
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der Käse, die Käse
the oil
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das Öl, die Öle
the spoon
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der Löffel, die Löffel

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