Agata 10th March (45 min)

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Jaka jest dzisiaj pogoda w Suwałkach?
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What's the weather LIKE in Suwalki today?
prognoza pogody
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a weather forecast
zwykły tydzień
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an ordinary week
Znajdź to w internecie.
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Look it up on the Internet.
Jaka jest dzisiaj temperature na podwórku?
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What's the temperature outside today?
Jestem w środku.
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I'm inside.
I'm outside.
On być może obejrzał to w piątek.
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He might have watched it on Friday.
Ty zawsze powinnać mówić mi prawdę.
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You should always tell me the truth.
Powinnaś BYŁA powiedzieć mi prawdę.
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You should HAVE told me the truth.
Może padać.
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It might rain.
Być może padało w nocy.
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It might have rained at night.
Możesz upiec dwie pieczenie na jednym ogniu.
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You can kill two birds with one stone.
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an author
powiedzieć, że...
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to say (that)...
He said that if you speak more than one language, you are less likely to get brain disease.
powiedzieć komuś coś
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to tell SB sth
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choroba mózgu
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brain disease
ci ludzie
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these people
tmaci ludzie
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those people
pojechać na wakacje
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to go on holiday
w pracy
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at work
to zabiera dużo czasu
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it takes a lot of time
to jego wina
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it's his fault
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a sin
informuj mnie na bieżąco
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keep me posted

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