ACP 01

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questão English resposta English
to listen to what is said in a court of law, and make a decision
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to hear a case
the number of people a doctor, social worker etc. has to deal with
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a common law writ issued by a superior court to one of interior jurisdiction demanding the record of a particular case
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a) the job of a judge in a court of law; b) the place where a judge sits in a court
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a conflict or controversy, esp. one that has given rise to a particular lawsuit
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to begin a legal case against someone
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to bring
if a decision rests with someone, s/he is responsible for it
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rest with
something that you complain about because you think it is unfair
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to institute a lawsuit against (another party)
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to sue
a cort's written order, in the name of a state or other competent legal authority, commanding the addressee to do or refrain from doing some specified act (nakaz)
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one or more presons - such as jurors in a trial who hear testimony and review evidence to rule on a factual issue
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trier of fact (fact-finder)
to order someone to come to a particular place (wzywać)
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an impartial person appointed to make an award or a final decision
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a small accident or mistake that does not have a very serious effect (wypadek)
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the system of law or body of principles originating in the English Court of Chancery and superseding the common and statute law
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to convey or transport in any manner from one place to another
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carry into
to get rid of something
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dispose of
the transfer of an action from state to federal court
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the act of not including or doing something
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farthest from the middle (najdalszy)
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an official order to appear in a court of law
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come before
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