A67, 15.02.2016

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baixar mp3 Imprimir jogar verifique-se
questão resposta
começar a aprender
to fly off the handle
começar a aprender
wyjść z siebie
começar a aprender
niepotrzebnie, zbytnio
the other day
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jakiś czas temu
to work up
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to get along well with sb
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lubić się z kimś (z ludźmi in general)
to have thoughts on sth
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mieć przemyślenia ("myśli na")
to strive for the prize
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ubiegać się o nagrodę, dążyć do
file, binder
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to pick holes in what sb says
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łapać kogoś za słowa
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to encourage
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começar a aprender
zniechęcać (się)
I feel discouraged.
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Czuję się zniechęcona.
to streamline
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It's not worth my effort.
começar a aprender
To nie jest warte mojego wysiłku.
to grin and bear it
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robić dobrą minę do złej gry
manage sth, handle sth, cope with sth, deal with sth
começar a aprender
poradzić sobie (z) czymś
much time
começar a aprender
dużo czasu
many times
começar a aprender
wiele razy

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