A39: would like (to)

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I'd like to ask for a payment.
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Chciałabym poprosić o płatność.
I would like to discuss your order.
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Chciałabym przedyskutować wasze zamówienie.
When would you like to collect your order?
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Kiedy chcielibyście odebrać swoje zamówienie?
I'd like coffee with milk.
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Chciałabym kawę z mlekiem.
We would like a copy.
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Chcielibyśmy kopię.
They'd like to get an invoice.
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Chcieliby dostać fakturę.
Would you like to get our price list?
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Czy chcielibyście dostać nasz cennik?
He wouldn't like to change his supplier.
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Nie chciałby zmienić swojego dostawcy.
I would like to be a princess.
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Chciałabym być księżniczką.
Would she like a kiss?
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Czy ona chciałaby całusa?
How much sugar would you like?
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Ile chciałbyś cukru?
How many biscuits would she like?
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Ile chciałaby ciastek?
They wouldn't like to pay today.
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Nie chcieliby płacić dzisiaj.
He'd like to talk to you.
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Chciałby z tobą porozmawiać.
I would like a million dollars!
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Chciałabym milion dolarów!
What time would you like to meet?
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O której chcielibyście się spotkać?
I wouldn't like to kiss him.
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Nie chciałabym go pocałować.

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