8. Lesson: Make your Child a Self-starter

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a course of action
parents decided on the best course of action in an attempt to help their children on the way to maturity.
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Pol. sposób, tryb postępowania
go counter to sth
Read the cases and find out how the actions taken by those parents go counter to those suggested in the text "Make Your Child a Self-Starter".
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to be the opposite of something; Pol. być sprzecznym z czymś
once and for all
I told him to finish with it once and for all.
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Pol. raz na zawsze
he seems to have no real interest in anything. He has recently become so apathetic.
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not interested in something, and not willing to make any effort to change or improve things
Children have to learn self-denial. When my daughter asked me for a new computer, I openly told her that it was too expensive and that we couldn't afford it
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refusing to allow oneself to do or to take or have something that you would like because you think it is good for you not to have it; Pol. wyrzeczenie
I always have an interesting film or a new computer game handy.
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near and easy to reach; Pol. pod ręką
my parents couldn't give me what I wanted because of the financial constraints they lived in.
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sth that limits your freedom to do what you want [= restriction]
bear the responsibility
all the decisions will be taken by me and she doesn't have to bear the responsibility.
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Pol. ponosić odpowiedzialność
tell my son to make an objective assessment of his strengths and weaknesses and adapt his ambitions to his skills.
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a process in which you make a judgment about a person or situation, or the judgment you make; Pol. ocena
strengths and weaknesses
tell my son to make an objective assessment of his strengths and weaknesses and adapt his ambitions to his skills.
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Pol. silne i słabe strony
tell my son to make an objective assessment of his strengths and weaknesses and adapt his ambitions to his skills.
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to gradually change your behaviour and attitudes in order to be successful in a new situation; Pol. dostosować

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