(6) Managing people (AA)

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giving employees the authority to make decisions without traditional managerial approval
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a management technique based on the employees participating in setting objectives
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management by objectives (MBO)
listening with full attention, not interrupting except to ask for clarification, and giving consideration to other person's point of view
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active listening
stating your needs and opinions confidently and clearly
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events that mark an important stage in a process
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leadership style: instructions given to subordinates
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leadership style: sharing responsibility and decision-making
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leadership style: minimal supervision
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stages of team development
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forming, storming, norming, performing, adjouring
the level of confidence and positive feelings that people have, especially people who work together, is their level of...
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the level of confidence and positive feelings that people have, especially people who work together, is their level of morale
feeling that we are valued and important
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public recognition and thanks
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developing to our fullest potential
samorealizacja, samospełnienie
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self-actualisation / self-fulfilment
being successful after a lot of effort gives us a 'sense of ...'
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being successful after a lot of effort gives us a 'sense of achievement'
poczucie spełnienia
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giving someone the tools and skills to do sth
pozwalający rozwinąć umiejętności
Successful managers are neither passive nor aggressive. Instead, they are...
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Successful managers are neither passive nor aggressive. Instead, they are 'assertive'.
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enthusiasm, determination and a strong belief in what you are doing
oddanie, zaangażowanie
combining a series of tasks into one challenging and interesting assignment
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job enlargement
poszerzanie pracy, rozszerzanie zakresu pracy (forma organizacji pracy)
moving employees for one job to another
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job rotation
making sth better and more enjoyable
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power to make independent decisions
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quality of being serious, useful and important
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making sth bigger
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piece of work that you must do as part of your job or study
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solves difficult problem with creative ideas, not afraid to challenge norms; may ignore details
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thinks carefully and accurately about things; listens patiently; may lack energy to inspire others
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has expert knowledge in key areas; may be uninterested in all other areas
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takes basic ideas and makes them work in practice; methodical and organised; can be slow
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gets involved quickly with lots of energy; more interested in the final result than the process; may be impatient
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likes completing things on time, on budget, and to specification; can worry to much
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central person who make sure everyone works well together; helps everyone focus; can be seen as too controlling
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caring, a good listener, and works hard to resolve problems; may have difficulty making decisions
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Team worker
enthusiastic, sees the big picture and good at explaining it to people outside the group; can be too optimistic and lose initial energy
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opposite of: accurate
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inaccurate / imprecise
opposite of: careful
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opposite of: conservative
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innovative / radical
opposite of: decisive
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indecisive / hesitant
opposite of: efficient
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inefficient / wasteful
opposite of: enthusiastic
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unenthusiastic / bored
opposite of: flexible
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inflexible / rigid
opposite of: hands-on
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opposite of: patient
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opposite of: polite
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impolite / rude
opposite of: reliable
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