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a small piece or amount of something that is left from a larger original piece or amount começar a aprender
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a guarantee, alibi, etc. that can be trusted completely começar a aprender
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to use force to remove things such as ropes, chains, or walls that limit your movement começar a aprender
to stop being affected by something that limits what you can do começar a aprender
to ask someone to come to you começar a aprender
to make a device operate, or to cause a device to play something, such as a CD or DVD, by pressing a switch começar a aprender
to cover part of the body with clothes, shoes, make-up, or something similar começar a aprender
to suggest an idea for consideration começar a aprender
to change suddenly or completely, especially from one thing to another, or to exchange by replacing one person or thing with another começar a aprender
relating to or expressed in a system of counting based on the number ten começar a aprender
despite what has just been said começar a aprender
forming a whole number that can be divided exactly by two começar a aprender
(of numbers) not able to be divided exactly by two começar a aprender
as likely to be bad as to be good, esp. because of not being planned or organized well começar a aprender
used to ask someone to repeat something that you have not heard or understood começar a aprender
used to ask about the reason for something começar a aprender
(especially of a tail or finger) to move from side to side or up and down, especially quickly and repeatedly, or to cause this to happen começar a aprender
severe, or showing disapprovals começar a aprender
to make someone extremely angry começar a aprender
make someone's blood boil
A ... toy, watch, etc. has a key or part that you turn in order to make it operate começar a aprender
to gradually relax after doing something that has made you tired or worried começar a aprender
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to (cause something to) shake or move from side to side in a way that shows poor balance começar a aprender
a formal dance in which two people holding each other move around a large room, turning as they go, or a piece of music with three beats in a bar written for this style of dancing começar a aprender
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unusual in a pleasing and exciting or silly way começar a aprender
extremely interesting, very interesting and needing all your attention começar a aprender
riveting = engrossing = gripping
used to describe sexual images or descriptions, etc. that intentionally cause excitement, but not in a serious way começar a aprender
to be wrong about the reason for something or the way to achieve something começar a aprender
be barking up the wrong tree
not informed about things that might be useful to know começar a aprender
to suddenly laugh a lot, or to make someone suddenly laugh a lot começar a aprender
to try something to find out if it will be successful começar a aprender
If two competitors are ..., they are level with each other and have an equal chance of winning começar a aprender
used to describe someone's opinions when that person has the same bad qualities as the person they are criticizing começar a aprender
rich (That's a bit rich coming from you.)
a continuous area of land or water começar a aprender
a continuous period of time começar a aprender