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questão resposta
I have two daughters and three sons.
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Mam dwie córki i trzech synów.
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do the ironing
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robic prasowanie
What's the difference between these products?
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Jaka jest różnica między tymi produktami?
more than
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wiecej niż
at the same time
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o tej samej godzinie
remember about
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pamietac o
go jogging
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isc pobiegać
We have only one child.
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Mamy tylko jedno dziecko.
could you repeat the question, please?
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czy mozesz powtorzyc pytanie, proszę
the answer
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I didn't hear you
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nie uslyszałem cię
take a dog for a walk
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wziąć psa na spacer
read for a while
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czytac przez jakiś czas
fall asleep
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fall in love
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zakochac się
fall into trouble
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wpaść w kłopoty
want to
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horse riding
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jazda konna
do the washing up
Ok, today you're cooking and I'm doing the washing up.
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zmywanie naczyn
Ok, ty dziś gotujesz, a ja zmywam naczynia.
do the washing
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robic pranie
could you speak more slowly
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czy mozesz mówić wolniej?
go abraod
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jechac za granicę
I was
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ja byłem
You were
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ty byłes
Yesterday I quit my job.
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Wczoraj rzuciłem swoją prace.
he was
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on był

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