# 3

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He wasn't the paragon of virtue she had expected.
a PAragon of virtue
meeting people at an event organized for single people who want to begin a romantic relationship, where you are allowed to spend only a few minutes talking to one person before you have to move on to meet the next person
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speed dating
w porządku (w odpowiedzi na HOW ARE YOU?)
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unknown origin
/ˌhʌŋki ˈdɔːri/
wolny od problemów
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free from/of problems
free of pain
wzór w jodełkę, materiał ze wzorem w jodełkę
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herringbone (pattern)
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knee highs
buty do kolan
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knee high boots
wyroby pończosznicze
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used especially in shops/stores as a word for tights, stockings and socks
a piece of clothing that covers the top half of the body and the legs
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wygiąć coś lub siebie
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to arch
The cat arched its back and hissed.
I can arch my back so that my head hits my heels
przechylać np. głowę
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to tilt
She tilted her head back and looked up at me with a smile.
skłaniać się ku ... / przeciwko
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to tilt in favour of / away from
Popular opinion has tilted in favour of the socialists.
zablokowane zatoki
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blocked sinuses
oil pulling may help you unblock your sinuses
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perioral demititis
pogarszać, zaostrzać, powodować nasilenie, powodować pogorszenie (np. samopoczucia)
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The recession has exacerbated this problem. / His aggressive reaction only exacerbated the situation.
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sulphate / AmE: sulfate
a simple picture or series of keyboard symbols:-) that represents a smiling face.
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smiley / emoticon
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a ​digital ​image that is ​added to a ​message in ​electronic ​communication in ​order to ​express a ​particular ​idea or ​feeling
zapalenie skóry
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to często występuje u dzieci
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it is common in children
przetwarzana żywność
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(highly-) processed food
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a small organ in men, near the bladder, that produces a LIQUID in which sperm is carried.
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(is a common and highly contagious skin infection that causes sores and blisters)
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lichen (U)
wałek do ubrań
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(sticky) roller brush
przegapić coś / stracić coś
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to miss out on sth
nie stroniący od kieliszka
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mający miejsce co dwa lata / dwuletni (o roślinie)
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acoustics (plural)
the shape, design, etc. of a room or theatre that make it good or bad for carrying sound
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serviette / napkin
serviette ring
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kaczka krzyżówka
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mallard (C)
sprzęgło / uścisk
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clutch bag
pikowana kurtka
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puffer coat
niedotrzymać noworocznego postanowienia
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to break your New Year's resolution
jeden krok przed wszystkimi
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one step ahead of everyone
nagle / z jednym dniem
leczenie uzależnienia przez raptowne odstawienie (np. narkotyków)
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cold turkey (adverb)
I quit smoking cold turkey.
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fenugreek (U)
ręcznik frote
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terry towel
a type of soft cotton cloth that absorbs liquids and has a surface covered with raised loops of thread, used especially for making towels
mieć coś na oku
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to keep tabs on sth / sb
It's not always possible to keep tabs on everyone's movements.
wygadać się z czymś
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to blurt out something
She blurted it out before I could stop her.
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firm / supple
siedzieć po turecku
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to sit cross-legged
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partridge (U)
6-tygodniowy okres oczekiwania na przesyłkę
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6-week delivery wait
z umiarem
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in moderation
Some people think drinking in moderation can prevent heart disease.
wyrównać powierzchnię
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to level sth out / off
to make something flat and smooth
nakłuwać igiełkami
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to microneedle (your lips)
papier ścierny
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abrasive papep / sand paper / emery paper
Rub down with fine abrasive paper.
pilnik do paznokci
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nail file / emery board
szorstki (powierzchnia / człowiek)
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patyczki do uszu
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cotton buds / Q-tips AmE
włosie (szczotki / szczoteczki)
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(hard /soft) bristle
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a quality that is immanent seems to be present everywhere
kominek do olejków
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oil burner
oil diffuser
rozpraszać się
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to diffuse
Technologies diffuse rapidly.
naciągać coś czymś
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to infuse sth with sth
sprawić, że coś staje się elementem naszej rutyny
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to incorparate sth into your daily routine
w pobliżu
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in the vicinity
I was shooting in the vicinity of the target.
przyznać się do czegoś
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to come clean about sth

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