2 - present simple - Pytania WH - tlumaczenie pol-ang

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questão resposta
Co robi twój brat (zawodowo)?
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What does your brother do?
Kim jest ta kobieta?
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Who is this woman?
Dlaczego nie jesz mięsa?
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Why don't you eat meat?
O której godzinie odjeżdża twój pociąg?
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What time does your train leave?
Ile razy dziennie wyprowadzasz swojego psa?
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How many times a day do you walk your dog?
Czyja to jest książka?
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Whose book is this?
Jak duży jest ich dom?
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How big is their house?
Ile masz pieniędzy?
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How much money do you have?
Gdzie są Sandra i Lucy?
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Where are Sandra and Lucy?
Gdzie zwykle parkujesz twój samochód?
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Where do you usually park your car?
Jaki jest dzisiaj dzień?
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What day is it today?
Która jest teraz godzina?
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What time is it now?
Ile lat ma jego dziadek?
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How old is his grandfather?
Ile wzrostu ma twoja dziewczyna?
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How tall is your girlfriend?
Jakiego koloru jest ich dom?
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What color is their house?
Które buty podobają ci się bardziej?
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Which shoes do you like more?
Ile czasu zajmuje dojechanie do Paryża pociągiem?
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How long does it take to get to Paris by train?
Jak długo musimy czekać?
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How long do we have to wait?
Gdzie jest najbliższe lotnisko?
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Where is the nearest airport?
Jak daleko jest szpital?
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How far is the hospital?
Co wiesz o tej firmie?
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What do you know about this company?
Kiedy jest ich ślub?
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When is their wedding?
Dlaczego nadal tu jesteś?
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Why are you still here?
Ile razy w tygodniu chodzisz na siłownię?
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How many times a week do you go to the gym?
Ile masz piwa w lodówce?
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How much beer do you have in the fridge?
Jak ma na imię jej chłopak?
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What's her boyfriend's name?
Jak często jadasz na mieście?
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How often do you eat out?
Ile gotówki potrzebujemy?
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How much cash do we need?
Jakiego typu telefonu zazwyczaj używasz?
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What type of phone do you usually use?
Kto ci to powiedział?
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Who told you that?
Ile osób jest w twoim samochodzie?
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How many people are in your car?
Jak ci się podoba moja nowa fryzura?
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How do you like my new hairstyle?
Co chcesz zjeść na obiad?
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What do you want to eat for dinner?
Na kogo zwykle głosujesz?
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Who do you usually vote for?
Jak jest dzisiaj data?
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What's the date today?
Ile to kosztuje?
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How much does it cost? How much is it?
Dlaczego jesteś taki smutny?
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Why are you so sad?
Czyj to jest laptop?
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Whose laptop is this?
Ile lat ma twój samochód?
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How old is your car?
Ile lat masz swój samochód?
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How many years do you have your car?

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