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Lit up the room
How did her presence affect the atmosphere?
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To bring joy to a situation.
Her infectious laughter and bright smile lit up the room, bringing warmth and joy to everyone.
Fall in a ditch
Have you ever accidentally fallen in a ditch while hiking?
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to get into a difficult situation.
Yes, I once fell in a ditch while hiking because I wasn’t paying attention to where I was stepping.
Manager: "We all make mistakes; nobody here is a 'Dummy.' Let's learn from errors and continuously improve."
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A someone who is perceived as foolish.
Manager: "We all make mistakes; nobody here is a '____________________.' Let's learn from errors and continuously improve."
Bond with him
Colleague: "It's important to 'Bond with him' as he's a new team member. Schedule a casual coffee meeting to get to know him better."
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To establish rapport with someone.
Colleague: "It's important to '____________________' as he's a new team member. Schedule a casual coffee meeting to get to know him better."
Wander off
What happened to the children in the park?
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To move away from a place without a clear direction
The children tend to *wander off* if they’re not closely supervised.
Divert the conversation
What did the manager say about handling the customer's concerns?
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To shift attention away from the current topic
Manager: "We need to address the customer's concerns directly; don't 'Divert' the conversation to unrelated matters."
Have you ever encountered malicious software on your computer?
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Intending or intended to do harm.
Yes, I once had a virus that caused a lot of damage to my files; it was definitely malicious
Shrill voice
Colleague: "I find it difficult to concentrate when there's a 'Shrill voice' during our meetings. Can we try to maintain a more neutral tone?"
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A high-pitched and piercing tone of voice.
Colleague: "I find it difficult to concentrate when there's a '____________________' during our meetings. Can we try to maintain a more neutral tone?"
Wait till you see this
Team Lead: "I've been working on a new project. 'Wait till you see this.' I believe it will have a significant impact on our goals."
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An expression used to build anticipation before showing or presenting something.
Team Lead: "I've been working on a new project. '____________________.' I believe it will have a significant impact on our goals."
Project Manager: "Before our big client meeting, spend some time 'Prepping' your presentations. We want to make a strong impression."
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Short for "preparing." Getting ready or making necessary arrangements.
Project Manager: "Before our big client meeting, spend some time '____________________' your presentations. We want to make a strong impression."
Team Member: "I'm feeling a bit 'Nauseous' today. Can we keep the meeting brief, please?"
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The feeling of discomfort, wanting to vomit.
Team Member: "I'm feeling a bit '____________________' today. Can we keep the meeting brief, please?"
CEO: "Behold, our latest product innovation! I'm confident it will revolutionize the market."
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Used to express the feeling of seeing or showing something impressive or remarkable.
CEO: "____________________, our latest product innovation! I'm confident it will revolutionize the market."
What is one of the biggest challenges to productivity?
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Reluctance to work or make an effort; laziness.
One of the biggest challenges to productivity is sloth, as it leads to procrastination and inactivity.
Hold my dials
Team Lead: "I need everyone's attention. 'Hold my dials' while I clarify the project timeline."
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A colloquial expression meaning "wait a moment" or "pause."
Team Lead: "I need everyone's attention. '____________________' while I clarify the project timeline."
Break it up and reconvene later
Team Lead: "This debate is becoming unproductive. Let's 'Break it up' and reconvene with fresh perspectives later."
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end a discussion
Team Lead: "This debate is becoming unproductive. Let's '____________________' and reconvene with fresh perspectives later."
Handle teen ages
HR Manager: "We need strategies to effectively 'Handle teen ages' in the workplace, ensuring a positive and inclusive environment for all."
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To manage or deal with challenges related to adolescence.
HR Manager: "We need strategies to effectively '____________________' in the workplace, ensuring a positive and inclusive environment for all."
To head out
Team Member: "I have an urgent appointment, so I need 'To head out' a bit earlier today. Can someone summarize the key points for me?"
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To leave or depart, especially from a place or meeting.
Team Member: "I have an urgent appointment, so I need '____________________' a bit earlier today. Can someone summarize the key points for me?"
Loose edge
Project Manager: "There seems to be a 'Loose edge' in our project plan. Let's address it to ensure a smooth execution."
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A situation where something is not wellorganized or lacks stability.
Project Manager: "There seems to be a '____________________' in our project plan. Let's address it to ensure a smooth execution."
Hormone imbalanced
Colleague: "I've been feeling off lately, possibly due to 'Hormone imbalanced.' I'll manage my workload accordingly."
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A state of hormonal imbalance, often leading to physical or emotional symptoms.
Colleague: "I've been feeling off lately, possibly due to '____________________.' I'll manage my workload accordingly."
We had great run
CEO: "As we transition to a new phase, I want to say, 'We had a great run.' Let's carry the momentum into our future endeavors."
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to acknowledge a period of success
CEO: "As we transition to a new phase, I want to say, '____________________.' Let's carry the momentum into our future endeavors."
Fortress of solitude
Team Member: "Sometimes, we all need a 'Fortress of Solitude' moment to gather our thoughts and recharge. Let's encourage each other to take short breaks when needed."
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A metaphorical expression referring to a place of solitude or retreat, often used humorously.
Team Member: "Sometimes, we all need a '____________________' moment to gather our thoughts and recharge. Let's encourage each other to take short breaks when needed."
Colleague 1: "Who messed up the report again?" Colleague 2: "I don't know, probably one of those 'Dips' in the other department."
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Short for "dipshit," a slang term used to refer to a foolish or stupid person.
Colleague 1: "Who messed up the report again?" Colleague 2: "I don't know, probably one of those '____________________' in the other department."
Team Lead: "The new graphic design has an 'Elvish' touch, giving it a magical and ethereal quality. Great job, design team!"
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Related to or characteristic of elves, often used in the context of fantasy literature or languages.
Team Lead: "The new graphic design has an '____________________' touch, giving it a magical and ethereal quality. Great job, design team!"
Manager: "We 'Condemn' unethical practices in our workplace. Let's ensure everyone is aware of our code of conduct and follows it diligently."
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To express strong disapproval or criticize severely.
Manager: "We '____________________' unethical practices in our workplace. Let's ensure everyone is aware of our code of conduct and follows it diligently."
Compliance Officer: "Our company has a zero-tolerance policy for 'Bribery.' Any instances must be reported immediately for investigation."
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The act of offering something of value with the intention of influencing the actions
Compliance Officer: "Our company has a zero-tolerance policy for '____________________.' Any instances must be reported immediately for investigation."
Team Leader: "Transparency is crucial in our team. 'Deception' erodes trust and collaboration. Let's always communicate openly and honestly."
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The action of deceiving someone, typically by concealing or misrepresenting the truth.
Team Leader: "Transparency is crucial in our team. '____________________' erodes trust and collaboration. Let's always communicate openly and honestly."
CEO: "I want to commend the 'Generosity' of our employees who volunteered their time for the community project. It reflects positively on our company values."
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showing a readiness to give more than is needed.
CEO: "I want to commend the '____________________' of our employees who volunteered their time for the community project. It reflects positively on our company values."
HR Manager: "It's essential to address 'Prejudice' in the workplace. We must promote diversity and inclusion, fostering an environment free from bias."
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Unfair opinions formed without enough knowledge.
HR Manager: "It's essential to address '____________________' in the workplace. We must promote diversity and inclusion, fostering an environment free from bias."
Project Manager: "Maintaining 'Credibility' is vital for our team. Let's ensure that our reports and presentations are accurate and well-researched."
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The quality of being trusted and believed in.
Project Manager: "Maintaining '____________________' is vital for our team. Let's ensure that our reports and presentations are accurate and well-researched."

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