15 Planowanie, jedzenie w restauracji

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to make arrangements for sth
We’ve been making arrangements for our wedding for months
mieć opóźnienie
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to be behind schedule
Some flights were cancelled while many others arrived behind schedule
trzymać się planu
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to stick to a plan
If you stick to a good dietary plan you will lose weight and improve overall health
dotrzymać terminu spotkania
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to keep an appointment
It is in your best interest to always keep appointments with your dentist
przełożyć spotkanie
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reschedule a meeting
The board meeting was rescheduled for Friday
wiele sobie po kimś obiecywać
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to have high hopes of somebody/something
His parents had high hopes of their son becoming a lawyer
potwierdzić termin spotkania
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to confirm an appointment
I called my real estate agent to confirm our appointment
w ostatniej chwili
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at the very last moment
We managed to board the plane at the very last moment
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badly though-out
The desing of the house is badly though-out and needs to be correct
zobowiązać się do zrobienia czegoś
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to make a commitment to do sth
The Congress made a commitment to increase funding for global AIDS programs
zdecydować się
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to make up one’s mind,
We looked at several flats but couldn’t make up our mind
wywiązać się ze zobowiązań
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to meet commitments
The government failed to meet the commitments to end attacks on civilians
opracować plan
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to devise a plan
The authorities are devising an emergency plan in case of flood
osiągać założone cele
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to meet targets
I’m afraid we won’t be able to meet our targets without additional measures
wdrożyć plan, wprowadzać w życie
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to implement a plan
A plan of actipn is being implemented to prevent further contamination in the affected areas
plan długoterminowy
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long-term plan
Africa need a long-term plan to solve the problem of water shortages
zarezerwować stolik
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to book a table
Jason booked a table for two at a posh restaurant
poprosić o menu
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to ask for the menu
We asked for the menu in English but waitress told ud they didn’t have one
przyjąć zamówienie
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to take an order
The waiter took our order and disappeared for well over half an hour
złożyć zamówienie
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to place an order
I placed my order and waited impatiently for my big juicy burger to arrive
być najedzonym
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to be full
I was so full I skipped dessert, which I rerely do
kolacja przy świecach
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candlelit dinner
trzydaniowy obiad
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three-course dinner
The restaurant offers a three-course donner for less than 20$
opłata za obsługę
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service charge
Many restaurant bills include a service charge
rzadki / dobrze wysmażony stek
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rare/well-done steak
I was served a perfectly well-done steak
dodatki do pizzy
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pizza toppings
Pepperoni and mushrooms are my favourite pizza toppings
specjalność szefa kuchni
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chef’s speciality
Roast pork in beer is our chef’s speciality
darmowa dolewka
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free refill
Some fast foods restaurant offer free refills on soda
restauracja samoobsługowa
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self-service restaurant
We stopped for lunch at a nice self-service restaurant

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