14. Słówka

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The press has understated the extent of the problem.
verb - describe or represent (something) as being smaller, worse, or less important than it actually it.
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umniejszać, bagatelizować
Our aim is to minimize the danger as far as possible.
verb - to make as little as possible.
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1. Her income is insufficient to support a family. 2. The prisoner was released because the police had insufficient proof of his guilt.
adj - not enough.
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1. The country is currently undergoing major political change. 2. He is undergoing surgery for a heart problem.
verb - to experience something, especially a change or medical treatment.
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przechodzić, przeżywać, zostać poddanym
The alleged crime.
adj - supposed to be true, but without any evidence.
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1. For the first time in months she could move freely. 2. Many people are afraid to speak freely to journalists. 3. I freely admit it was my fault.
adj - 1. without being controlled or limited. 2. in a free manner. 3. If you freely admit something, you are very willing to agree that it is true.
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swobodnie, dobrowolnie
1. The orchestra was comprised of amateur and professional musicians. 2. Women comprise 15% of the police force. 3. Her family comprises two sons and a daughter.
verb - to consist of particular parts or members.
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The air force began to deploy forward.
verb - to move soldiers or equipment to a place where they can be used when they are needed.
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1. the previous day/year. 2. the previous owner of the house.
adj - existing or happening before something or someone else.
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1. The teacher is alleged to have hit a student. 2. He alleged that Jones had been with the accused on the night of the murder.
verb - to say that someone has done something wrong or illegal, but not prove it.
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twierdzić, sugerować
verb - 1. The two leaders posed for photographs outside the White House. / noun - 1. a relaxed pose. 2. She's not really interested in art, it's just a pose.
verb - to position oneself eg for a photograph to be taken./ noun - 1. the position that you stay in while someone photographs or paints you. 2. a false manner or way of behaving assumed in order to impress others.
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pozować / poza, postawa
be/get rid of
1. I thought I’d never get rid of these weeds. 2. I’m rid of my debts at last.
verb - to have removed, to remove; to free oneself from.
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pozbyć się
1. Carlos sneered at my attempts to put the tent up. 2. ‘You haven’t a chance of getting that job,’ he sneered.
verb - to talk about, or look at someone or something in a way that shows you do not approve of them.
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1. We waited until the crowds had dispersed. 2. Some seeds are dispersed by the wind.
verb - to separate and go in different directions, or to make something do this.
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adj - My fingers and toes were numb with cold. / verb - The cold numbed her fingers.
adj - If a part of your body is numb, you cannot feel it. / verb - to make numb.
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zdrętwiały / drętwieć

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