12. Les collections

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questão resposta
avec de la fièvre
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with fever
un mal de tête horrible
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a horrible headache
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à son travail
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at his work
les données sensibles
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sensitive data
une petite banque privée
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a small private bank
c’est déroutant
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it's confusing
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dans le fond
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in the background
c’est pas si drôle
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it's not so funny
un timbre
Si tu ne mets pas de timbre sur ta lettre, elle ne sera pas envoyée.
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a stamp
If you don't put a stamp on your letter, it won't be sent.
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to gather
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to collect
une collection d’éléphants en porcelaine
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a collection of porcelain elephants
qqch d’extraordinaire
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something extraordinary
un corbeau blanc
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a white crow
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hors commun
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plus de valeur
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more value
qqch de rare
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something rare
quoi de neuf?
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what's up?
rien de neuf
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nothing new
il a mentionné qqch
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he mentioned something
plus ou moins
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more or less
à peu près
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Dans ce sac il y a environ 2 kg de clous.
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In this bag there are approximately 2 kg of nails.
une fève géante
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a giant bean
à quoi elle ressemblent
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what they look like
tu ressembles à ton père
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you look like your father
quel air elles ont
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what they look like
avoir l’air
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to look like
tu me sembles fatigué
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you seem tired to me
ils allaient pour des excursions
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they were going for excursions
une étagère
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a shelf
fait à la main
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to cost
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to count
un mug
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les jeux de société
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board games
une poupée
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baby doll
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to find
en bois
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in wood
en cuir
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in leather
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une joue
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a cheek
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