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a person who is weak or not effective, sb. who you think is weak or lacks courage Are we a nation of wusses?
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"To avoid high heating bills this winter, shouldn't we just rediscover the joys of living at 13C in an extra cardie?"
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to make (a bill, debt, etc.) increase is to ____ it ____. "To stay warm and run up an extortionate fuel bill"
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(of prices) too high, extreme """To stay warm and run up an extortionate fuel bill"""
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. an object that is strong, well-made and not easily broken is _____.
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any supporting structure or system, Pol. podstawy, fundamenty
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Pol. związać, obwiązać, wcisnąć (kogoś) (w ciasne ubranie).
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wear several layers of clothing começar a aprender
Pol. ubierać się na cebulę
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". to suddenly announce a new charge, tax, etc. or say that sth is not allowed. Toadd to the price of sth. To cause (esp. something unpleasant) to happen. Example: The government has _____ -ped more tax on cigarettes, Pol. doliczyć"
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to throw or expel with violence or force, Pol. rzucać
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When you _____, you try to remember sth.
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a short for a semi-detached house.
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"A _____ (house) (UK and ANZ informal semi) is one of a pair of houses whichare joined together"
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"to state or demand forcefully, esp. despite opposition, Pol. twierdzić, obstawaćprzy (czymś)"
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having many different parts, Pol. wielopłaszczyznowy
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happening in a smooth, gradual and regular way, not suddenly or unexpectedly
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an official order, esp. one which is given in a forceful and unfair way
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unusual, strange, old-fashioned.
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"to make an official statement that sth must happen, Pol. zarządzić, nakazać, orzec."
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a place where people can live
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if a place is equipped with sth it is ____ with it.
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(a) belief or idea, Pol. myśl, pogląd, pojęcie
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to accept, admit or recognize (something, or the truth or existence of something), Pol. przyznać, uznać, potwierdzić.
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to put a piece of glass into (a window)
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to protect sb or sth from outside influences
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____ (US Installment plan) is a system of paying for something in which the buyer pays part of the cost immediately and then makes small regular payments until the debt is reduced to nothing. Pol. zakup na raty
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a deep feeling that other people do not respect you or have a good opinion of you
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If people get what they want immediately they expect instant _____.
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a change (of one's position)
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inadequate supply, rarity or infrequent occurrence
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a criterion by which to measure something, standard, reference point.
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strength, bravery or strength of character
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the matters which are waiting to be discussed or achieved
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a lack of the basic things that are necessary for an acceptable standard of living, Pol. niedostatek, ubóstwo.
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something which is greatly disliked or disapproved of, a strong curse.
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to not have (something) or to manage to live despite not having (something), Pol. obywać się bez (czegoś)
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A ______ is also something which hides something unpleasant or unwanted
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If sth is _____ it is referring to sth about which sb is very sensitive
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to imagine or expect that (something) will happen, sometimes taking action in preparation for it happening
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to feel extremely anxious or unhappy about (something that is going to happen or might happen)
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quick movement, Pol. pstryknąć, włączyć/wyłączyć
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(of people and animals) to gather together in a large group
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Pol. rozpraszać, rozrzucać, rozsiewać
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Pol. 'zaszyć się w kamizelkę'
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a sensation of coldness resulting from a cold or damp environment, or from a sudden emotional reaction.
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a sensation of coldness resulting from a cold or damp environment, or from a sudden emotional reaction.
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a period of a particular kind of activity, weather, illness etc, usually a short one
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the area around a fireplace or the area of floor in front of it, Pol. palenisko
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(of a room or building) unpleasant because of a lack of fresh air
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pollution in the atmosphere, esp. noxious vapours from decomposing organic matter.
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a state of low standards in social and moral behaviour
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a building in which horses are kept, Pol. stajnia
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something not very important or valuable that a government or someone in authority offers to people to stop them from complaining or protesting, Pol. symboliczny gest, ochłap
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willing to do or accept something, rather than doing more