questão |
resposta |
Are we a nation of wusses? começar a aprender
a person who is weak or not effective, sb. who you think is weak or lacks courage, palant.
"To avoid high heating bills this winter, shouldn't we just rediscover the joys of living at 13C in an extra cardie?" começar a aprender
Inf. for cardigan, sweter rozpinany
"To stay warm and run up an extortionate fuel bill" começar a aprender
to make (a bill, debt, etc.) increase is to ____ it ____., gromadzić, robić
"""To stay warm and run up an extortionate fuel bill""" começar a aprender
(of prices) too high, extreme, wygórowany
"""To stay warm and run up an extortionate fuel bill""" começar a aprender
"To stay warm and run up an extortionate fuel bill, or to search out sturdy underpinnings and layer up like a trussed Victorian?" começar a aprender
. an object that is strong, well-made and not easily broken is _____., solidny
"To stay warm and run up an extortionate fuel bill, or to search out sturdy underpinnings and layer up like a trussed Victorian?" começar a aprender
any supporting structure or system, Pol. podstawy, fundamenty,
"To stay warm and run up an extortionate fuel bill, or to search out sturdy underpinnings and layer up like a trussed Victorian?" começar a aprender
, Pol. związać, obwiązać, wcisnąć (kogoś) (w ciasne ubranie).
"To stay warm and run up an extortionate fuel bill, or to search out sturdy underpinnings and layer up like a trussed Victorian?" começar a aprender
wear several layers of clothing "To stay warm and run up an extortionate fuel bill, or to search out sturdy underpinnings and layer up like a trussed Victorian?" começar a aprender
Pol. ubierać się na cebulę,
"the increase in energy prices that will slap 25 per cent on the cost of heating this winter." começar a aprender
". to suddenly announce a new charge, tax, etc. or say that sth is not allowed. Toadd to the price of sth. To cause (esp. something unpleasant) to happen. Example: The government has _____ -ped more tax on cigarettes, Pol. doliczyć",
"There is another question too, and it comes to mind when you cast your mind back to your childhood," começar a aprender
to throw or expel with violence or force, Pol. rzucać,
"There is another question too, and it comes to mind when you cast your mind back to your childhood," começar a aprender
When you _____, you try to remember sth., cofać się pamięcią
"Why have we gone from accepting that one coal fire provided a suburban semi with an adequate level of heating" começar a aprender
a short for a semi-detached house., bliźniak, dom dwurodzinny
"Why have we gone from accepting that one coal fire provided a suburban semi with an adequate level of heating" começar a aprender
"A _____ (house) (UK and ANZ informal semi) is one of a pair of houses whichare joined together", bliźniak. dom dwurodzinny
"wandering round in T-shirts in December insisting that anything less than a constant 25C is freezing?" começar a aprender
"to state or demand forcefully, esp. despite opposition, Pol. twierdzić, obstawaćprzy (czymś)",
The answer is multifaceted começar a aprender
having many different parts, Pol. wielopłaszczyznowy,
"Its root lies in consumerism, in the steady improvement in the British standard of living" começar a aprender
happening in a smooth, gradual and regular way, not suddenly or unexpectedly, stały, systematyczny
"that would make the Ministry of Housing edicts of 1961 seem quaint had they not been designed to stop people dying from cold." começar a aprender
an official order, esp. one which is given in a forceful and unfair way, edykt
"that would make the Ministry of Housing edicts of 1961 seem quaint had they not been designed to stop people dying from cold." começar a aprender
unusual, strange, old-fashioned., osobliwy
"wandering round in T-shirts in December insisting that anything less than a constant 25C is freezing?" começar a aprender
"That was when the Parker Morris Standards decreed that dwellings should be fitted with heating systems that maintain the kitchen and circulation space at 13C" começar a aprender
"to make an official statement that sth must happen, Pol. zarządzić, nakazać, orzec.",
"That was when the Parker Morris Standards decreed that dwellings should be fitted with heating systems that maintain the kitchen and circulation space at 13C" começar a aprender
a place where people can live, mieszkanie, miejsce zamieszkania
"That was when the Parker Morris Standards decreed that dwellings should be fitted with heating systems that maintain the kitchen and circulation space at 13C" começar a aprender
if a place is equipped with sth it is ____ with it., dopasowany
"By 1968 it was recognised that comfort was necessary for productivity, the notion of humanitarian needs was acknowledged" começar a aprender
(a) belief or idea, Pol. myśl, pogląd, pojęcie,
"By 1968 it was recognised that comfort was necessary for productivity, the notion of humanitarian needs was acknowledged" começar a aprender
to accept, admit or recognize (something, or the truth or existence of something), Pol. przyznać, uznać, potwierdzić.,
"6.5 million central heating systems had been installed and there was interest in double glazing and other forms of insulation." começar a aprender
to put a piece of glass into (a window), szklić
"6.5 million central heating systems had been installed and there was interest in double glazing and other forms of insulation." começar a aprender
to protect sb or sth from outside influences, izolować
"All this was linked to the explosion of hire purchase and easy credit" começar a aprender
____ (US Installment plan) is a system of paying for something in which the buyer pays part of the cost immediately and then makes small regular payments until the debt is reduced to nothing. Pol. zakup na raty,
"“Even 50 years ago hire purchase was surrounded by stigma" começar a aprender
a deep feeling that other people do not respect you or have a good opinion of you, piętno
"At the same time there was a philosophical drive behind the change." começar a aprender
"We expect instant gratification and with the shift away from living with scarcity, or according to necessity, that's become a benchmark of success" começar a aprender
If people get what they want immediately they expect instant _____., satysfakcja gratyfikacja
"We expect instant gratification and with the shift away from living with scarcity, or according to necessity, that's become a benchmark of success" começar a aprender
a change (of one's position), zmiana
"We expect instant gratification and with the shift away from living with scarcity, or according to necessity, that's become a benchmark of success" começar a aprender
inadequate supply, rarity or infrequent occurrence, niedostatek
"We expect instant gratification and with the shift away from living with scarcity, or according to necessity, that's become a benchmark of success" começar a aprender
a criterion by which to measure something, standard, reference point., standard
"a bit of suffering was seen to be a good thing morally, it gave people backbone" começar a aprender
strength, bravery or strength of character, cywilna odwaga
"Whereas today there is no agenda other than to maximise our pleasure through our consumption habits and practices." começar a aprender
the matters which are waiting to be discussed or achieved, lista spraw
"We have a generation of people who have no idea of privation, of what it is to go without and to them the idea that they can't have it easy is anathema." começar a aprender
a lack of the basic things that are necessary for an acceptable standard of living, Pol. niedostatek, ubóstwo.,
"We have a generation of people who have no idea of privation, of what it is to go without and to them the idea that they can't have it easy is anathema." começar a aprender
something which is greatly disliked or disapproved of, a strong curse., rzecz znienawidzona
"We have a generation of people who have no idea of privation, of what it is to go without and to them the idea that they can't have it easy is anathema." começar a aprender
to not have (something) or to manage to live despite not having (something), Pol. obywać się bez (czegoś),
"Of course it's fashionable to talk about ethical consumption but it seems to me that's not much more than a veneer." começar a aprender
A ______ is also something which hides something unpleasant or unwanted, fasada czegoś
"When it comes to turning down the heating that strikes a bit too close to home.”" começar a aprender
If sth is _____ it is referring to sth about which sb is very sensitive,
"people did suffer from the cold and winter was anticipated with some dread." começar a aprender
to imagine or expect that (something) will happen, sometimes taking action in preparation for it happening, oczekiwać przewidywać
"people did suffer from the cold and winter was anticipated with some dread." começar a aprender
to feel extremely anxious or unhappy about (something that is going to happen or might happen), bać się lękać się obawiać się
"Central heating is convenient, you just flick a switch, and once you can do that, habits change" começar a aprender
quick movement, Pol. pstryknąć, włączyć/wyłączyć,
"We heat the whole house now because families no longer congregate in one room, they're scattered throughout the house doing different activities." começar a aprender
(of people and animals) to gather together in a large group, gromadzić się
"We heat the whole house now because families no longer congregate in one room, they're scattered throughout the house doing different activities." começar a aprender
Pol. rozpraszać, rozrzucać, rozsiewać,
"I don't see people going back to being sewn into their vests at the beginning of winter.”" começar a aprender
Pol. 'zaszyć się w kamizelkę',
"A chill reminder to use energy more wisely" começar a aprender
a sensation of coldness resulting from a cold or damp environment, or from a sudden emotional reaction., chłód
"Newcomers to Britain often complain about our freezing homes, but may be unaware that our ambivalent attitude to insulation follows a stubborn tradition." começar a aprender
a sensation of coldness resulting from a cold or damp environment, or from a sudden emotional reaction., z mieszanymi uczuciami
"In cold climates - where there are no “cold spells”, only long and bitter winters -" começar a aprender
a period of a particular kind of activity, weather, illness etc, usually a short one, okres
"But the British loved their hearths, the cheerful centre of family life and, it was commonly assumed, an excellent source of ventilation." começar a aprender
the area around a fireplace or the area of floor in front of it, Pol. palenisko,
"Whereas Eastern European and Russian cultures believe that cold air causes illness, the British fear stuffiness." começar a aprender
(of a room or building) unpleasant because of a lack of fresh air, duszny
"we believed that disease was transmitted miasmatically, that bad smells were poisonous" começar a aprender
pollution in the atmosphere, esp. noxious vapours from decomposing organic matter., wyziew miazmaty
"In the 1950s, central heating was dismissed in Britain as “hygienic decadence”." começar a aprender
a state of low standards in social and moral behaviour, zepsucie
"For centuries the Swedes built houses of wood (a natural insulator) above stables" começar a aprender
a building in which horses are kept, Pol. stajnia,
"The first laws on insulation standards in 1976 were a sop to the building industry - wall-cavity insulation was not set as standard." começar a aprender
something not very important or valuable that a government or someone in authority offers to people to stop them from complaining or protesting, Pol. symboliczny gest, ochłap,
"The first laws on insulation standards in 1976 were a sop to the building industry - wall-cavity insulation was not set as standard." começar a aprender
a hole, or an empty space between two surfaces, otwór, pusta przestrzeń
"But different nationalities are not more sensitive to cold." começar a aprender
easily affected or damaged by sth such as a substance or temperature, Pol. wrażliwy na,
"Britons feel comfortable in colder houses because they are content to wear two jumpers, extra socks and a cardigan." começar a aprender
willing to do or accept something, rather than doing more, zadawalać