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a person who has many different types of skills and abilities
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The all-rounder with an interest in science is not generally catered for in this particular offer.
to make an expression of strong disapproval or disagreement
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People at the back started booing loudly. Her singing was so bad that she was booed off the stage.
to have done something wrong
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be at fault
Her doctor was at fault for/in not sending her straight to a specialist.
by chance, or without being chosen intentionally
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at random
The winning entry will be the first correct answer drawn at random.
a game played, especially in the UK, by two people in which cues are used
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Girls, who tended not to be interested in pool or snooker, suddenly listed it as one of their main hobbies after the age of 15.
without considering; not needing to allow for:
regardless of
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irrespective of sth
The legislation must be applied irrespective of someone's ethnic origins. Did you allow for my opinion?
a piece of soft, thick cloth or rubber, used to protect a part of the body, give shape to something, or clean something
ochraniacze, bloczek, notatnik, podkładka
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pad - tablet
a knee/shoulder pad Soccer players often wear shin pads to protect their legs. In the 1980s, shoulder pads were very fashionable in women's clothes. She wiped her eye make-up off with a cotton wool pad. I'm going to need a new pad after this interview.
a long stick with a pointed end that is thrown in sports competitions
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a competition in which the javelin is thrown.
She was first in the javelin.
a sports competition in which you jump over a high bar using a long stick to push yourself off the ground:
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pole vault
She won silver in the pole vault for Australia. world pole vault champion She vaulted five metres.
the sport of fighting with long, thin swords
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a fencing tournament/mask I did a little bit of fencing while I was at college.
a sports competition in which a heavy metal ball is thrown from the shoulder as far as possible
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shot put
He's practising for the shot put.
a long race in which horses or people have to jump over fences, bushes, etc., either across the countryside or, more usually, on a track
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