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Getting Buy-In From
How can we ensure support for the new project?
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To obtain agreement, support, or approval from someone.
We need to focus on getting buy-in from key stakeholders by demonstrating the benefits.
Forge Ahead
What should we do despite the recent setbacks?
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To move forward with determination.
Despite the recent setbacks, we need to forge ahead with our plans and not let anything hold us back.
How were the security cameras emplaced around the building?
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To put something in a specific place or position, often for a strategic purpose.
The security cameras were emplaced strategically around the building to cover all entrances and blind spots.
Help Instill
How can we teach good values to children?
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To assist in establishing or implanting something.
We can help instill good values in children by setting a positive example and providing guidance.
How did the new policy affect the company?
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Very great in amount
The new policy had a tremendous impact, leading to significant growth and improved employee satisfaction.
In a scientific research setting, an experiment’s outcomes are deemed unreliable because of an error in data calculation.
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Containing mistakes or imperfections.
The experiment’s results were flawed due to a miscalculation in the data
Research Participant: "Participants will 'Undergo' a series of tests to evaluate the effectiveness of the new medication."
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To experience or endure something.
Research Participant: "Participants will '____________________' a series of tests to evaluate the effectiveness of the new medication."
How did you find the task?
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Long, tiresome, or dull; monotonous.
The task was tedious, requiring repetitive and boring work.
Complacency Trap
How can businesses avoid falling into the complacency trap?
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A situation where satisfaction with the current state leads to a lack of progress.
Businesses can avoid falling into the complacency trap by continuously innovating, staying aware of market trends, and seeking feedback.
HR Director: "The new policy will be implemented 'Companywide' to ensure consistency and fairness across all departments."
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Affecting or involving the entire organization or company; applicable or relevant to all departments or divisions.
HR Director: "The new policy will be implemented '____________________' to ensure consistency and fairness across all departments."
Unprecedented Extent
Economist: "The economic downturn has affected global markets to an 'Unprecedented Extent,' requiring adaptive strategies for recovery."
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To an extent never experienced before
Economist: "The economic downturn has affected global markets to an '____________________,' requiring adaptive strategies for recovery."
Preoccupied with work
Why did she seem so absorbed during the meeting?
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Absorbed in thoughts
She seemed 'Preoccupied' during the meeting, likely due to the upcoming deadline for the project
Manager: "We've 'Nurtured' a culture of innovation within our team, encouraging creativity and problem-solving."
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to provide care and support.
Manager: "We've '____________________' a culture of innovation within our team, encouraging creativity and problem-solving."
Procurement Officer: "Due to high demand, raw materials are becoming 'Scarce,' and we may need to explore alternative suppliers."
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Insufficient in quantity, inadequate in availability, or lacking in supply; not plentiful or abundant.
Procurement Officer: "Due to high demand, raw materials are becoming '____________________,' and we may need to explore alternative suppliers."
Rushed In
How did they handle the situation?
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To act hastily
They rushed in without considering all the options, which led to unintended consequences.
Lauded for Decades
Historian: "The renowned scientist was 'Lauded for Decades' for his groundbreaking discoveries in the field of medicine."
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Praised or commended repeatedly over many years
Historian: "The renowned scientist was '____________________' for his groundbreaking discoveries in the field of medicine."
Be Made Up of Fancy Words
How would you describe his speech?
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Composed of sophisticated vocabulary.
His speech was made up of fancy words, making it sound impressive but difficult to understand.
Renown for
CEO: "The company has achieved global 'Renown' for its innovative products and commitment to customer satisfaction."
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The state of being widely honored.
CEO: "The company has achieved global '____________________' for its innovative products and commitment to customer satisfaction."
Make Japan Known For
Marketing Director: "Our campaign aims to 'Make Japan Known For' its traditional craftsmanship and cutting-edge technology to attract international investors."
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To establish or promote Japan's reputation or recognition in a particular area or field, highlighting its excellence or unique attributes.
Marketing Director: "Our campaign aims to '____________________' its traditional craftsmanship and cutting-edge technology to attract international investors."
Soldiers engage in battle to free the city from the control of an oppressive government.
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To free or release from oppression
The soldiers fought to liberate the city from the oppressive regime

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