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to make known, show or allow to be shown (something usually secret or hidden); Pol. wyjawić, objawić. Secret Millionaire Hilary Devey reveals why she felt moved to help one of the UK’s poorest areas
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Pol. nadawać się do czegoś, być odpowiednim do czegoś, pasować do czegoś
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unable to do anything or protect yourself because you are weak or powerless For years she had to watch helplessly as her only child was destroying his life through drugs
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to try very hard to do something or make something happen, esp. for a long time or against difficulties As a single mum, striving to build a £100million haulage empire
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transporting goods by road is called road _____. As a single mum, striving to build a £100million haulage empire
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usually of large numbers of people during a violent event) to steal from (shops and houses); Pol. splądrować, złupić, zrabować. if her house had once again been looted by her heroin addict son Mev.
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If you say that you have been_______, you mean you have lived through an extremely unpleasant, difficult or painful experience.
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I’d lie awake every night scared to death the phone was going to ring with some new emergency
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Slang. a pleasant sensation, as from a drug such as cannabis; a sense of excitement; kick. But kids just do it for the buzz, for something to do.
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(esp. of the police) using a false appearance in order to work secretly millionaires go undercover in poor communities to give money to deserving causes.
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[countable] an organization, belief, or aim that a group of people support or fight for millionaires go undercover in poor communities to give money to deserving causes.
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needing help and support, especially financial support millionaires go undercover in poor communities to give money to deserving causes.
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one of a series of places that you visit Her first port of call was a run-down estate
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a building or area that is ______ is in very bad condition Her first port of call was a run-down estate
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[countable] British English an area where houses or buildings of a similar type have all been built together in a planned way Her first port of call was a run-down estate
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to go or travel towards a particular place, especially in a deliberate way She headed for a project for kids to get into music instead of hanging around the streets after school.
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to wait or spend time somewhere, doing nothing She headed for a project for kids to get into music instead of hanging around the streets after school.
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to cover or overlay with a thin sheet of material. Great, can you laminate these, sweep the floor, tidy this.
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immediately or without delay “I knew straight away that I wanted to get involved
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to agree with or support someone or something I went along and said, I can volunteer if you like.
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the set of ideas and moral attitudes that are typical of a particular group Both my parents went out to work and there was a strong working-class ethos in our house.
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a small job that you have to do regularly, especially work that you do to keep a house clean My two older brothers and I did chores at home
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having advantages because of your wealth, social position etc; Pol. uprzywilejowany we were by no means privileged.”
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to get money or something you want by asking other people for it rather than by paying for it yourself “scrounging capital of the UK”
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. extremely determined and very strong And Hilary is made of steely stuff.
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if people _____, or if someone ____-s them ___, they end a marriage or relationship with each other She split up with Mev’s father when the youngster was three-and-a-half
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especially American English: to look after your children and help them grow [= bring up British English] She split up with Mev’s father when the youngster was three-and-a-half and raised him on her own
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to refuse an offer, request, or invitation is to ______ it ______. she was turned down for a business loan
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she was turned down for a business loan
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to collect money that you can use to do a particular job or help people So she sold her home and car to raise £112,000
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to start a company, organization, committee etc.; to establish Hilary set up her road haulage business in 1999.
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based on or calculated over a period of one year; Pol. roczny it’s now worth an annual £100m
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very dirty and unpleasant because of a lack of care or money But when she was shown her squalid Falinge flat and handed £56 a week to live on, she was shocked.
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Especially after walking out of her Staffordshire mansion that morning.
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an experience from which you learn something surprising or new
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to agree unwillingly that sth is true or that someone else is right; Pol. przyznać “That was an eye-opener,” she admits.
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the main room in a house where people relax, watch television etc [= living room] The flat had a bedroom the size of a shoebox and a lounge with a sofa that had definitely seen better days.
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if sth is in a bad condition it has _____. The flat had a bedroom the size of a shoebox and a lounge with a sofa that had definitely seen better days.
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“The kitchen was filthy and the shower worked when it wanted to.
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money provided by the government to people who are sick, unemployed, or have little money; Pol. zasiłek They live on benefits which hardly go far at all.
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a special hospital for people who are dying She went to visit a local hospice that could do with some extra help
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If I ______, I need or want help. She went to visit a local hospice that could do with some extra help
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Pol. groźba, niebezpieczeństwo the centre was under threat of closure.
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when a factory or hospital etc has to close permanently the centre was under threat of closure.
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worry that is caused by having to deal with a problem or work too hard over a long period of time Hilary could see the strain it put on Sheila Acton, who started the scheme eight years ago.
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an official plan that is intended to help people in some way, for example by providing education or training [= program - American English] Hilary could see the strain it put on Sheila Acton, who started the scheme eight years ago.
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short for Information Technology The centre offers the unemployed the chance to learn IT skills
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someone who receives a pension; Pol. emeryt there’s pensioners’ lunches
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a very young child who is just learning to walk
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[countable usually plural] formal an activity such as a sport or hobby, which you spend a lot of time doing; Pol. zajęcie, praca, pasja. outdoor pursuits for teenagers.
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_____ hands or fingers have nails that are neatly cut and polished She had lovely, manicured nails.
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a pretext, disguise, or false identity Sheila wasn’t totally convinced by Hilary’s cover.
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___ [plural] a way of behaving that shows someone thinks they are more important than they really are; Examples: put on ____/give yourself _____
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[plural] the skills needed to behave in a way that is considered polite and socially acceptable:
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_____ work is done secretly by the police in order to catch criminals or find out information: But after 10 days undercover, it was time for Hilary to come clean
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to finally tell the truth about something you have been hiding But after 10 days undercover, it was time for Hilary to come clean
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telling porkies or ______is telling lies “I said to Sheila ‘I’ve been telling you a few porkie pies – I’m not who you think I am.
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if sth is _____ it is successful For Hilary, watching the programme will be an emotional moment, especially after returning to see how her money is now being put to good effect in the community.
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the people who live in the same area, town etc For Hilary, watching the programme will be an emotional moment, especially after returning to see how her money is now being put to good effect in the community.
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Pol. nauczyć pokory, uniżyć (się), ukorzyć się The way the people I met gave their time and money to projects for others humbled me.
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having such a great effect on you that you feel confused and do not know how to react; Pol. przytłaczający, druzgocący, nieodparty “Seeing how I’ve been able to help them is overwhelming