1. Homework 1.8 - 1.10

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He remembers about our birthday but they don't.
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Pamięta o naszych urodzinach, ale tak nie jest.
She will sell her semi-detached house but I won't
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Ona sprzeda swój bliźniak, a ja nie
They can write two letters an hour but he can't
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Potrafią pisać dwa listy na godzinę, ale on nie może
We were at the theatre last night but she wasn't
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Byliśmy wczoraj w teatrze, ale jej nie było
They work in the hospital but he doesn't
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Pracują w szpitalu, ale on nie
She didn't give a lecture last Friday but he did
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Nie wygłosiła wykładu w zeszły piątek, ale on to zrobił
We needn't do the cleaning at the weekend but they must
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Nie musimy sprzątać w weekend, ale muszą
We must get up very early tomorrow morning but she needn't
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Musimy wstać jutro bardzo wcześnie, ale nie musiała
He sometimes drives a car at night but we don't
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Czasami jeździ samochodem w nocy, ale my nie
They don't sleep in the living room but he doesn't
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Oni nie śpią w salonie, ale on nie
She has bread and butter for breakfast but he doesn't
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Ona ma chleb i masło na śniadanie, ale on nie
She has got six siblings but he hasn't
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Ma sześcioro rodzeństwa, ale on nie
She would like to be rich and famous but we wouldn't
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Chciałaby być bogata i sławna, ale my nie
small - big
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małe duże
cold - hot
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zimne gorące
black and white
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czarny i bialy
Zaraz, czy ty ukradłeś ten radiowóz?
weak and strong
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słaby i silny
stop and go
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Zatrzymaj się i idź
high and low
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wysoki i niski (np. na glosniku)
tall and short
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wysoki i niski (wzorst)
old and young
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stary i młody
much and little
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dużo i mało (niepoliczalne)
poor and rich
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biedni i bogaci
ugly and beautiful
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brzydka i piękna
silly and inteligent
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głupi i inteligentny
proud and modest
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dumny i skromny
boring and interesting
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nudne i interesujące
shy and confident
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nieśmiały i pewny siebie
lazy and hard-working/ diligent
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leniwy i pracowity / pracowity
pessimistic and optimistic
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pesymistyczny i optymistyczny
married and single
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żonaty i samotny
many and few
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wiele i mało (policzalne)

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