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financial Meltdown
CEO: "The company experienced a financial 'Meltdown' following the market crash."
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A sudden collapse or breakdown.
CEO: "The company experienced a financial '____________________' following the market crash."
Amazed by his commitment
How do you feel about his dedication?
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To be extremely impressed by someone’s dedication
I’m truly amazed by his commitment; he works tirelessly and never gives up.
Stumble over my words
Employee: "I 'Stumbled' over my words during the presentation, but I recovered quickly."
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To trip or lose one's balance while walking or moving; to make a mistake or encounter difficulty or obstacles.
Employee: "I '____________________' over my words during the presentation, but I recovered quickly."
Bear a Likeness to
How does the new painting compare to the original?
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To resemble or have a similarity
The new painting bears a likeness to the original masterpiece, capturing its essence and style.
Government Official: "We may need to 'Impose' stricter regulations to curb pollution levels."
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To establish something, such as a rule, law, tax, or obligation
Government Official: "We may need to '____________________' stricter regulations to curb pollution levels."
Project Manager: "We need to be aware of the potential 'Pitfalls' associated with this new software update."
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A hidden danger or difficulty
Project Manager: "We need to be aware of the potential '____________________' associated with this new software update."
What happened when the alarm went off?
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To distribute things in different directions.
When the alarm went off, the crowd began to scatter in all directions.
Determine What Was Wrong
Technician: "We need to 'Determine What Was Wrong' with the malfunctioning equipment before we can proceed with repairs."
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To ascertain the source of a problem
Technician: "We need to '____________________' with the malfunctioning equipment before we can proceed with repairs."
Once Upon
Storyteller: "'Once Upon' a time, in a faraway kingdom, there lived a brave prince."
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Used to introduce a narrative or story, often with a fairy-tale connotation; typically used at the beginning of a tale to set the scene.
Storyteller: "'____________________' a time, in a faraway kingdom, there lived a brave prince."
Engineer: "The laboratory is equipped with state-of-the-art 'Apparatus' for conducting experiments."
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A complex structure or system of equipment, machinery, or instruments designed for a particular purpose or function.
Engineer: "The laboratory is equipped with state-of-the-art '____________________' for conducting experiments."
service rendered
How was the payment for the consultant determined?
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Work provided.
The payment for the consultant was determined based on the services rendered over the past month.
Level of Affluence
Economist: "The study aims to measure the 'Level of Affluence' among different socioeconomic groups."
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the degree of prosperity success.
Economist: "The study aims to measure the '____________________' among different socioeconomic groups."
Average Life Span
Biologist: "The 'Average Life Span' of this species is approximately 10 years in the wild."
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The typical or average length of time that an organism, individual, or object is expected to live or be in existence.
Biologist: "The '____________________' of this species is approximately 10 years in the wild."
In No Time at All
How quickly can you finish the assignment?
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Very quickly or soon.
I’ll have it done in no time at all, just give me a few minutes.
Professor: "We are honored to have the 'Esteemed' Professor Smith as our keynote speaker."
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Highly respected or regarded; held in high esteem or honor.
Professor: "We are honored to have the '____________________' Professor Smith as our keynote speaker."
Baffled by
Have you ever been baffled by a complex math problem?
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To be perplexed by something.
Yes, I’ve been baffled by a complex math problem before; it took me a while to figure out the solution.
work Diligently
How do you approach your tasks?
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To work with consistent and careful effort.
I make sure to work diligently, paying close attention to detail and staying focused.
make decision Hastily
Manager: "Let's not make decisions 'Hastily'; we need to consider all potential implications before proceeding."
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executed in a rushed manner
Manager: "Let's not make decisions '____________________'; we need to consider all potential implications before proceeding."
How did the economy perform last quarter?
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A decrease in business
The economy experienced a significant downturn last quarter, leading to increased unemployment rates.
Salesperson: "The competitor's claims about their product's performance are 'Exaggerated'; we need to provide accurate information to our customers."
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Represented or described as greater, more extreme, or more intense than is actually the case; overstated or embellished.
Salesperson: "The competitor's claims about their product's performance are '____________________'; we need to provide accurate information to our customers."

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