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patrycjawasala3 patrycjawasala3

Estou usando o VocApp desde2714dias. Estou aprendendo com o VocApp142dias, incluindo sistematicamente0dias. Eu sou o autor29conjuntos. A última vez que você pode me ver2021-11-11 14:47:51.

Meus interesses

angielski, inglês

As fichas que fiz

1) Mood Food
2) Family Life
3) Spend or save
4) Changing lives
5) Race scross London
6) Stereotypes - or are they?
7) Failure and success
8) Modern manners
9) Sporting superstitions
10) Love at Exit 19
11) Shot on location
12) Judging by appearances
13) Extraordinary school for boys
15) Ideal home
14) Sell and tell
16) What's the right job for you?
22) Reasons for travelling
21) Job description
20) Real conditional
23) Coast to coast
24) Memorable meals
17) Financially independent
18) Money words
19) Catch me if you can
33) Wedding dramas
34) You must be mine
35) Growth and Development
36) Exams
37) Hip Hop planet

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