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Estou usando o VocApp desde3961dias. Estou aprendendo com o VocApp178dias, incluindo sistematicamente2dias. Eu sou o autor43conjuntos. A última vez que você pode me ver2025-03-27 15:29:26.

Meus interesses


As fichas que fiz

Appearance (21.04.21)
Different words and phrases (25.04)
Electronic devices and some phrasal verbs
Justice collocations and some other crime phrases (28.04.21)
Regular and irregular verbs (24.05.21)
Different words (also some characteristcs)(24.05.21)
Different words (19.07.21)
Crime vocabulary - 21.07
Secret idioms and other words (21.07.21)
Unit 2c (16.08.21)
Vocabulary (17 i 19.01)
Different words and phrases (unit colloquial English) - 11.02.22
Collocations with "pain, opportunity, meal" (17.05.22)
Collocations with "admiration, attempt, beautiful, belief, call" (20.05.22)
Different phrases (28.06.22)
Different words + unit 7b (17.08.22)
DECISION collocations + different words/phrases (07.10.22)
Different words and phrases (27.02.23)
Collocations with TASK, YOUNG, ZONE (28.02.23)
Different words and phrases (16.04.23)
Different words and phrases (17.04.23)
Money - 22.05.23
Transport - 16.06.23
Different words and phrases (21.06.23)
Idioms with EAT/ EYE (21.06.23)
Idioms with FLY/ FOOT/ FAR
collocations with DEFEAT, DESCRIPTION + different words and phrases (27.09.23)
Telephoning language + different phrases (13.10.23)
Idioms with PLAY, NOSE
Prepositions after adjectives (03.01.24)
Prepositions after verbs - 20.03.24
Hopes and fears + some different words - 25.06.24
The body - words and phrases (02.07.24)
Different words and phrases ("Mulit-sensory marketing") - 16.10.24
Different words and phrases - 23.10.24
Different words and phrases - 05.11.24
Houses + different words and phrases (08.11.24)
Work - 06.12. 24
Different words and phrases - 11.12.24
Health + present perfect (contin.) - 29.01.25
Different words and phrases - 04.02.25
Collocations - DECISION, CHEAP - 25.03.25

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