0 a pessoa gosta disso. Polub!

nataliarejman nataliarejman

Estou usando o VocApp desde335dias. Estou aprendendo com o VocApp8dias, incluindo sistematicamente0dias. Eu sou o autor14conjuntos. A última vez que você pode me ver2024-06-12 10:26:33.

Meus interesses

inglês, alemão

As fichas que fiz

Age Wiek
Height and build, Wzrost i budowa ciała
Hair and eyes, Włosy i oczy
Special features and adjectives, Cechy szczególne i przymiotniki
Face and body, Twarz i ciało
Clothes and Accessories, adjectives Ubrania i akcesoria, wzory
Charakter traits, Cechy charakteru
Feelings and emotions, Uczucia i emocje
Skills and interests, Umiejętności i zaintersowania
Stages in life, Okresy życia
Personal belongings, Rzeczy osobiste
Personal system of values, Osobisty system wartości
Sense of identity, Poczucie tożsamości
Authority figures, Autorytety

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