0 a pessoa gosta disso. Polub!

frenit frenit

Estou usando o VocApp desde1857dias. Eu sou o autor9conjuntos. A última vez que você pode me ver2020-01-15 14:45:56.

Meus interesses


As fichas que fiz

Matériel informatique - Hardware
Matériel informatique - Hardware
Interface - User interface
Interface - User interface
Programmation - Programming
Programmation - Programming
Internet - Internet
Internet - Internet
Services informatiques - IT services
Services informatiques - IT services
Sécurité informatique - IT security
Sécurité informatique - IT security
Postes en informatique - IT jobs
Postes en informatique - IT jobs
Reseaux informatique - Computer networks
Reseaux informatique - Computer networks
Logiciels et systèmes - Software and operating systems
Logiciels et systèmes - Software and operating systems

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